
Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Memories

I love Thanksgiving and the time we spend with my family who are far and near. My Mom moved back to Pocatello a few years ago and built a new house. Now we have to travel from Boise to Pocatello to be around our family a 3 1/2 hour drive. I rent a car when I travel because my cars are getting older and I hate breaking down when traveling. This time I received a free upgrade to a minivan which gave us more leg room. It was really nice and ran great! 
Sondra, Brady, Jason and Sharon in front of the silver Kia Sedona minivan we rented for the trip.

This is a blurry picture, but it was the only one with all of the family around the table. My family was getting REALLY tired of me clicking pictures.. Oh well, it is the memories I am trying to capture and one day they will be "Thankful" for these photos. This is the grown up table. Back is my Mom -  Zoey, Sharon, Jason, Richard my little brother has his back to us, White shirt dark hair is Richard's wife Rhonda, then my neice Taylor and her dad, my big brother Lyle. My spot is where my mom is - but I made her sit there while I took the picture... You can tell those people who didn't like me taking pictures - their back is to the camera... Maybe next year they will be more cooperative. 

This is my big brother Lyle with his plate loaded with food. He is really a very nice looking single man  and 6 foot 2 inches - too bad I didn't get his smile.

This is the little kids table. We miss counted and added an extra place setting. There is Tymber, Autumn, Hope and Brady. 

More photo's from the table. Here you can see Sharon, Jason, Richard and part of Rhonda. At least it is a photo of the front of them. 

This is Taylor my niece filling her plate. She wasn't much on letting me take a picture - but I am really sneaky and just kept clicking away!! Maybe that is why they got tired of me. 

I hardly ever have a picture - so I handed over the camera and here I am. 

Lyle tasting the turkey... YUM! 

Richard helping Tymber (His daughter) fill her plate. She is a very PICKY eater. 

The kids table again. 

All of the food was excellent! The flavor was soooo good - everything was as is should be. Just the right spices and flavor.... mmmmm yummy!!

I make the rolls every year, that is my specialty. Mom does the turkey and dressing. I really need to take photos of her making the dressing so that I can have it for reference down the years and for my children too. I didn't do it this year - but should remember next year. We have turkey, stuffing, yams with butter and brown sugar topped with marshmallows, potatoes and gravy, Broccoli, mushrooms with white sauce and cheese, relish plate, corn. This year we opted not to have a fruit salad (because we always have it left over and it doesn't keep as well) plus there is so much food we really don't need it. A tradition of ours is grape juice that we "can" - you can see a bottle of it on the table. I believe Richard and Rhonda canned this. While growing up, I've always had grape juice for Sunday dinners and Thanksgiving since I have been a little girl - good memories. 
Part of the mad house getting everyone here for the prayer and dinner. 

Grandma standing next to the beautiful meal she prepared for our family. We had a very relaxing morning. Normally we eat around 12:00 - 1:00 on Thanksgiving and eat it throughout the day. This time Rhonda had to work until 3:00 and so we planned to eat at 3:30 - 4:00. It made the day so much nicer because we didn't rush. I think that is why everything was so delicious. I think we will plan on eating later for now on - I like it more laid back like it was this year. 

While we were eating dinner my sister Cindy and her husband Kelly and two of her daughters Zoey Michelle and Laura came over to visit quickly. Cindy has 4 daughters and lots of grandchildren and they have their own Thanksgiving at her house. She recently built a new house too - and it is lovely. I'd love it if we all could find room to have it together. At least she lives in the same town and we can visit with each other. She has a wonderful family and I really love them soooo much. There is never enough time to really spend a large amount of time with them which is kind of sad. We all have very busy lives and trying to spend time at 2 different houses when I hardly ever visit is hard. I love that Robyn and Zoey Michelle have blogs and I can keep in touch that way. 

This is my little brothers daughter Hope, she is so much fun and the youngest around now. I love all of Richard's daughters, but when they are little it is my favorite time. She is such a sweet little daughter and a blessing to our family! 

We had a super time - I only wish it could have been longer. Time goes by so quickly and we have to cherish these moments together - by me clicking pictures nonstop - LOL!! 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for putting the picture of my mouth full of turkey i really apreciate. it is kinda fun to see pics of me on there.thanks again for my b-day present that was alot of money you really didn't need to give me that much.Just so you know you are my altime fave aunt your so awesome say hi to brady, and everyone else for me please.
