
Monday, December 1, 2008

Hanging Around After Thanksgiving Dinner

Rhonda, Grandma and Sharon got busy doing the dinner dishes. I was off trying to get tickets from Fandango for our family to go to see Twilight. While I was trying to get Fandango to work, they finished off all of the dishes - they were fast. I got out of doing dishes - how lucky was that??
I don't know if it was lucky though. I tried and tried to get Fandango to work... the first time it came up with an error message so I tried it again and still it came up with an error message. After getting very frustrated with Fandango, I ended up calling the theater and to check if they were sold out but they had plenty of tickets. I quit trying to get Fandango to work...Later I checked my bank account and Fandango charged me $70 two times for a total of $140 for tickets that erred out. Unfortunately during the holiday season and traveling they took $140 out of my account that I now have to fight to get back... I am pretty angry at them right now and will NEVER use that system again... That is pretty fraudulent of that company - I also thought the charge would not complete until you actually went to the machine in the theater and input your credit card and got your tickets. Anyway I am furious about it.
I let my mom wear my Edward shirt and away we went to Twilight (3rd time for me). I think I have seen it enough now. Richard and Rhonda didn't like it (like I did the first time). I enjoyed listening to the music in the show - I love most of the songs on the sound track and it was fun hearing them during the movie.
Here we are visiting after dinner. Tymber, Richard, Jason and Sharon.
Lyle talking to us as we cleaned up the dinner dishes.
This is my mom's waterfall. Sharon is looking for the fish. Richard built this for her and it is awesome.
Auhhhh Sharon and Jason - one of the many loving photo's. I wish they would just get married. Everyone really loved Sharon and she fits into our family really well.
Brady and Autumn are the same age and they love being together at every chance they can when we visit. Here they are playing games on the iPod or iPhone - not sure which one it is.
Richard was totally addicted to this game on Jason's iPhone. He was content to play it all day long..

One tradition that we have is putting up Grandma's Christmas tree during the Thanksgiving holiday and having the grandchildren decorate it. Mom and I put up the tree together, fluffing out each branch, then I put on all the lights. She also has a new Christmas tree upstairs and it has the lights already on it - I REALLY liked that one.. It was great that I did not to put lights on two trees.
Tymber and Hope playing with toys while we played Phase 10. They were being really good at playing together and letting us play cards... What sweet girls.
Then it was down to decorating the tree.
Mom has such beautiful decorations - they are crystal and really reflect the multi colored lights. She has huge snowflake ornaments which I LOVE.
Sharon helped a little and lifted Hope one or two times.
How cute!!! Richard (Dad) lifting our little Hope to place more decorations on the top. Now her tree downstairs is all decorated and beautiful! Christmas is in the air!! We listened to Christmas music during the Holidays. I am excited to get home and get my decorations and tree up too!

1 comment:

  1. Glad your holidays were so nice!
    I saw it a 3rd time this weekend too, but I still can't get enough of it! I listen to the soundtrack as much as Christmas music!!

    Love, LOVE it!
