
Monday, January 13, 2014

A Visit from the Jolley's

January is typically a slow month with nothing to look forward to. So when we found out that Brandon had an avalanche certification class in Boise on a Saturday, we jumped at the chance to visit family and have a mini get away!

First, I had to document that Brandon was driving. I always drive anywhere we go!

Our family was able to visit Jenny and her kiddos. I am so bummed that I didn't take a picture, but maybe that was better for Jenny anyways!

We stopped at Red Robin and enjoyed a nice dinner! It was funny because Faith noticed right away the menu - Smile, You're at Red Robin! And she smiled for me!!!

Dawson and his drink
Kate enjoying ice cream
A requested selfie with Kate
And the glorious dessert! Probably one of my all time favs!
Thanks Red Robin for treating us so nicely!

We stayed in a hotel and were planning on swimming, but honestly, the night got away from us!

Saturday morning, Brandon headed off for avalanche training, while Sondra picked up me and the kids. That morning, instead of sleeping in, all 3 children were up by 6:05! That is a record, as they won't get up in the mornings at our house!

We were able to watch Colt play his first basketball game in the 2nd grade league - he's only in kindergarten, but probably one of the better kids in the league. He did so great, making 3 (I think) baskets. Let's just say he's not a very humble kid about his skills!

Jason (his coach) and Colt at the school

 Colt, Mom Robyn and baby Kaylor.
 The action shots of the basketball game turned out blurry. Boys in action - what can you do?

Then we visited at Robyn and Jason's house in Nampa. The girls had a fun time coloring and singing Frozen music. 
Then I asked for a cousin picture. This one is minus Kaylor ... I think that she was sleeping.

Robyn fed us lunch and we had a good time visiting most of the afternoon. That evening, Sondra and Brandon and I went out for a special treat to Olive Garden. The wait was long (45 minutes) but it was also probably the best I've ever tasted there - so delicious!

When we got back, we told Sondra about 'fancy people' (see Thanksgiving post) and had Dawson try Sparkling Cider for the first time (in a fancy glass even)! I just really loved his face and had to capture the moment!

By 8:00 pm, this is the view that we saw in the movie room.

Faith, fast asleep.
Kate fast asleep.
Dawson still awake, but losing the battle quickly!
A quick selfie for the books. My favorite aunt! (Forced with no make up - I might add).
Sunday we woke up and drove the long road back! Again, please take time to document that Brandon is driving.
Our kids love Boise so much - it's the greatest place on earth! And I have to say that I concur. It's great when you are able to visit with the people you love! We are making this trip a bunch this year too. We can't wait for Wicked, Dairy Days parade, and more!!!

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