
Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas 2013

This year Brady didn't come home for Christmas because he has a job. I mailed him his presents and we did iPhone facetime with him on Christmas day. 
For Christmas Brady received an iPhone 5, an Apple TV, and external hard drive full of movies. We missed him, but he had a good Christmas in Salt Lake. He spent Christmas eve with some friends and Christmas day at his dad's house. 
 Jason and Sharon spent the night with me on Christmas eve. They brought they cat named baby. 
Jason's started wearing flannel shirts this winter. I sure think he looks cute in them. 
 Jason and Sharon received some heated blankets. Mmmmmm Warm!
 Sharon got some fun finger nail polish and finger nail art. Both of them also received some cologne - which they loved. 

They asked for lots of cat toys and a cat lounger for their baby. (smiles)
 I enjoyed having their cat over for Christmas. It was fun having him there, it was as fun as having little kids there. Who knew I'd enjoy a cat so much?
 Baby the cat, loved my home. I was surprised that he didn't get in the tree or anything bad. He was a really good cat and it was just plain fun watching him explore. 
  Here are some pictures of our Christmas cat.
 Such a pretty baby!
We really enjoy Christmas, but missed Brady a ton. 

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