
Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sharon Turns 25

Last week Sharon celebrated her 25th birthday!!
Happy Birthday Sharon!

After I finished work I went and picked up a birthday cake and headed over to Jason and Sharon's house to change and clean up.

I took them out the lunch/dinner to celebrate her birthday. They live in the downtown area and we decided we wanted Chinese food and our favorite is P F Chang's China Bistro. We drove over there after I was cleaned up but when we arrived they were closed. They are closed from 2 - 4:30 daily. Bummer, well they lost our business because they were closed.

We drove around trying to decide where to go. We ended up going to the Twin Dragon and it was really good. The restaurant isn't as nice as PF Changs, but the food was delicious. We were really happy we ended up with such good food and of course just being together is the best.

After we ate we headed back to Jason and Sharon's house and hung out until it was time for the movie. Sharon ended up on the phone for 45 minutes with her parents in Florida while Jason and I just visited.

Before we left for the show we decided she needed to blow out the candles on the cake.
Have I told you how much I love this girl? I absolutely adore having Sharon as my daughter-in-law/daughter. She is an amazing woman and Jason is lucky to have her!
Ready .... Set ... 
Blow all those candles out! She can do it - but first always make a wish for the year. 
She did it! The cake was yummy!

Jason and Sharon had planned on going to the new Wolverine - Inmortal movie. When I was talking to Jason about Sharon's birthday, he told me they were going to this movie for her birthday and asked me if I wanted to come. Of course I wanted to go, we are huge X-Men fans and we really enjoyed this one too. 
It was a nice birthday celebration! I'm glad I was able to tag along with my favorite people in the world (missing Brady in Sharon's celebration since he lives in Salt Lake now).

Happy Birthday Sharon! Thanks for letting me come and thanks for sending me the pictures, I forgot my camera.

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