
Monday, January 28, 2013

Old Man Winter Has Struck Boise Idaho

Man oh Man, has winter ever struck Boise!
 Snow! It's the word for Boise lately. My goodness we have had so much! I've even canceled several customer cleaning days because I refused to drive around on those snow slick roads.
 Even though I dislike driving in it, it sure is beautiful.
I have taken the time to really enjoy the beauty of the snow.
 Waking up to a world in white - awesome! It sure is beautiful.
I've had some pretty ice cycles hanging from my porch. One was so long - over 3 feet!
 January 17th we had a weather phenomenon known as a hoar frost. Oh my goodness it was lovely. Everything was covered with a thick frost. BEAUTIFUL!
The picture above and below are from the City of Meridian facebook page. It was only 8 degrees out when these photos were taken. I guess the little red robin didn't get the memo.
 As I was heading out to work I thought - I should stop and grab my camera and take a few pictures. But, I didn't take the time to do it. Luckily there were these beautiful photos from the City of Meridian.
 I've also noticed quite often individual snowflakes. I haven't noticed that in years. It's really an amazing sight!
I loved this little poem and thought I would add it.
 There was one aspect of winter I did not like and had never experienced before -- an Ice Storm on January 28th!!
Ice covered everything. Our cars were engulfed in a thick sheet of ice. These 2 pictures were taken by Becky Parkinson. I never think to grab my camera very often.
I've heard of Ice Storms in Texas - but never experienced one in Idaho. I don't like it at all! Luckily Mary Kay and Becky let me have the day off work. Great customers - so at least I didn't drive during the ice storm.
The really bad thing was when Boise and Meridian School districts decided to hold school. Later that morning they regretted it - very much. They weren't too wise! Here is the story from KTVB:
The icy roads caused more than 30 school closures in the Treasure Valley Thursday. Notably, Boise and Meridian schools did not close.
Boise School District's spokesman, Dan Hollar, says they are now thinking that in hindsight they made the wrong decision:

"We made the decision early this morning approximately 5 a.m., and at that time the weather conditions were certainly not what they were an hour and half, two hours later. We made the best decision at that time given the information that we had. We don't make the decision in isolation we are actually out driving the roads, we consider the weather reports throughout the evening. The weather report showed it was going to turn to snow. Well it didn't occur and obviously we made a decision that we thought was best at that time and in hindsight it probably was not the best decision. But once we get the buses rolling it's hard to stop that system so now we are in the process of canceling programs making the best decision from the stand point of making sure we continue to operate safely and securely for those students. We've tried to communicate to the parents, we understand they're upset and we appreciate and understand that and now we are in the process of trying to best decide how to operate the rest of the day."


  1. I think that is the most bare I have seen the front of your house with no decorations ;-) I am over winter already. I also don't think I have ever been in an ice storm. Thank goodness your customers are flexiable and let you reschedule when needed. School districts are stupid when they don't take student saftey in consideration. At least they admited it was a mistake.

    1. Also should have said those ice cycles wouldn't last a day here. Hope and Tym would have eaten them.
