
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Brady Receives BYU Scholarship!!!

While Brady was here for Christmas Break we found out he was awarded a BYU Scholarship.
Brady originally applied for a scholarship when he applied for BYU. He didn't receive a scholarship his first term, but his grades were great for Fall session that they looked at his scholarship application and gave him a scholarship for $1,178.00. Very Exciting AND such a blessing!!!!
Here is the letter from BYU:

A generous donor has provided some additional need-based scholarship funding for Winter Semester 2013. Based on information you provided on your 2012-13 scholarship application as well as information from the FAFSA, you have been selected to receive the following:

Semester /Scholarship / Amount / Required Hours
Winter 2013 / General Need-based Scholarship / $1,178 / 14.0

Please make a special effort to write a thoughtful thank you letter (as described below) and submit it to our office by the first week of school.

If you wish to defer or decline the award, please visit the Scholarship History page. To access this page, log in to myBYU and enter the word scholar in the quick URL box on the right side of the page.

Tithes of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and offerings of generous friends of the university fund BYU scholarships. Following established procedures, we award these resources to encourage continued commitment to spiritual and intellectual growth. By claiming your award, you accept certain responsibilities. Specifically, you commit to:

Use this investment wisely to prepare for meaningful service to your family, community, and the world.

Express gratitude by writing a thoughtful letter of appreciation to those who fund your scholarship.

Comply with the policies that govern the use of your award.

Exemplify good citizenship within the university community by abiding the Honor Code, encouraging others to do likewise, and, whenever possible, attending the weekly campus devotionals and forums.

Provide a minimum of 15 hours of meaningful service, which you define and pursue on your own, for each semester of scholarship awarded.

Replenish the university's scholarship funds as circumstances in your life allow.

Scholarships provide financial assistance, but they also represent a vote of confidence in you. We celebrate the gifts and talents you contribute to our student body.


Financial Aid Office
Brigham Young University
We congratulate you again on your scholarship, and we hope you are excited to receive it. We believe this award will be a blessing to you, and for some, an answer to prayer. To fully appreciate this scholarship, you must understand its source and your responsibilities as a recipient.


Your scholarship is funded by the tithes of members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and/or offerings of generous friends of the university. We hope you will recognize the faith, sacrifice, and trust that make your award possible. Brigham Young University offers this scholarship as an investment in your education. You have the responsibility to use this gift wisely to prepare for meaningful service in your family, community, and the world.


We desire to assure scholarship donors that their contributions are appreciated and will make a difference in your life. To this end, please write a thoughtful letter of appreciation within the next two weeks to help donors and the Financial Aid Office become better acquainted with you, including your background, interests, goals, and commitment as a scholarship recipient. Please attach a recent photo of yourself to the letter. Address your letter to "Scholarship Donor", print the name of the scholarship in the upper right-hand corner.

On occasion, the university hosts luncheons and other events to bring donors and recipients together. We value our relationships with donors and want to assure them that their generous contributions make a difference in the lives of our students. Should the university schedule an event associated with your scholarship, we expect you to attend, making arrangements where necessary to be excused from other commitments, including classes and work assignments. We acknowledge that this expectation may require some sacrifice, but we believe the experience will be meaningful and worthwhile. The university will make every effort to notify you of these events at least two weeks in advance.


To assist you in your educational pursuits and to further the university's objectives, specific policies govern the use of your scholarship. You have the responsibility to understand and comply with the attached policies. Failure to meet the requirements will result in cancellation of this award and may jeopardize future eligibility. If you have questions or concerns about the policies, please contact the Financial Aid Office.


Participating in campus life is an enriching endeavor; becoming a contributing citizen in the university community is even more fulfilling. As the recipient of a university scholarship, you have a responsibility to exemplify good citizenship. We expect you to abide by the Honor Code, encourage others to do likewise, and, whenever possible, attend the weekly campus devotionals and forums.


As the beneficiary of someone else's generosity, you are encouraged to perpetuate good will by blessing others in turn. As a scholarship recipient, you commit to provide a minimum of 15 hours of meaningful service, which you define and pursue on your own, for each semester awarded. You do not need to submit a proposal, receive approval, or report your service to the Financial Aid Office. We hope this experience and others at Brigham Young University will enhance your ability to render lifelong service as an educated, whole, and committed person.


In addition to the other expectations listed above, we invite you to embrace the principle of replenishment by making the commitment now to contribute financially to the university's scholarship funds as circumstances in your life allow. Your generosity will ensure that future generations of students enjoy the same opportunity to pursue a world-class education in an environment centered in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Brady had to send a written letter of gratitude for the scholarship and attached the picture above to the letter below - here it is:

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing blessing! I really hope Autumn gets a scholarship also. College is so expensive but a must.
