
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Brandon's Lasik Surgery and Visit

Brandon has wanted LASIK forever, especially when he found out that our insurance paid a good portion of it. Unfortunately, we never found a place that would take the insurance ... we would have to pay all of it upfront and then wait for the insurance company to reimburse us. So, there that option sat for several years.

In October, Brandon found out that there was a place that would do the surgery AND except his insurance. He was SO excited! The one catch? It was in Boise! (We have been there I think 5 times this year.) Not only was he going to go, but 2 others from his company along with a spouse.

So, we drove up the morning of and did quite a bit of waiting.

Brandon being a good sport
A little love from Miss Kate
Deciding that I was making him too nervous, so he did opt for something extra to 'take the edge off'
Kate had SO much fun talking to everyone there and saying that she was one of Santa's helpers!
Brandon in his special cap!
Hanging out that night at Aunt Sondra's with his blind man glasses
Still kicking it!
Later getting ready for bed with his special glasses!
Sondra let us stay with her AND she evens cooked dinner for us.
We are so grateful for her and her home! We just love staying with her!!!
The next day we had a quick recheck to see how Brandon was seeing. He was seeing 20/15, which is better than 20/20. We were totally excited that he does not have to wear glasses anymore!
Kate trying on the special glasses for size on our way home
Long drive back home. The last 2 times back from Boise, we have blown fuzes, so we had no clock or music. Crazy huh???

1 comment:

  1. Good for him!! I personally got my lasik in Boise and can't imagine my life without it now! It's been such a blessing!
