
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Time Out For Women

I was able to attend Time Out for Women September 7 and 8th. I had just taken Brady to college a couple of weeks before TOFW and wanted to start with a "BANG" as an empty nester. I wanted to be motivated and out in a celebration of women, set new goals and move on with my life as a single woman again.
A sister in my ward was a volunteer and had some scholarships they were giving out. I asked her if I could have one because there was no way I could pay for it after getting Brady to college a few weeks before tickets were available for purchase. I was granted a scholarship - but it wasn't exactly free.
As a scholarship recipient, in the spirit of sacrifice (the "Widow's Mite" principle), we ask that you give an anonymous cash contribution that is equal to your "price version" of a registration and TOFW will make up the difference. We want this to be completely anonymous and so we do not require you to tell anyone how much you can afford (any amount is acceptable).

Please give your CASH CONTRIBUTION (no checks accepted), in a sealed envelope with "SCHOLARSHIP" written on it, to the Team Member whom referred you to the scholarship program to be turned in at the event. Or you may turn it in yourself at the registration table when you arrive at the event on Friday if it is not possible for you to get it to the referring team member.
I felt better to be able to contribute something toward this event. I think I feel too guilty to ask for help sometimes. At least I was able to give a "widow's or single mom's mite" for attending this conference.

I asked my sister Chris who also lives in Boise if she wanted to attend with me. She agreed and purchased her ticket for the event. I was grateful that she was able to attend with me. I was worried that she would be too stressed to go because her son "Kevin had married Kayla" a few weeks earlier and they had just returned home from the trip to Georgia. But she readily agreed to come with me and it was great having her there with me to share the experience.
This was my first time attending a TOFW.
Here is the schedule for the weekend. Brady LOVES Hillary Weeks and was jealous that I was able to see her in person.
Event Schedule
I loved Macy Robinson on Friday night. I loved her music and skits to go with her story. It was very touching and heart warming.
My favorite speaker on Saturday was Kris Belcher. I absolutely loved her!!!!

Here is her bio:
Learning to live a life without sight presents its own set of unique challenges. Throw the daily tasks of mothering into the mix, and it can make for a bumpy road. But Kris would say that her experiences as a mom are not that much different from yours—every mother needs to remember the importance of faith, courage, and a lot of holding on. Buckle your seat belts! Kris is going to make this fun!
She has such a beautiful personality that just showed through. She was funny, spiritual, courageous and awesome. She makes the best of every moment - even through blindness. It was very motivating to listen to her sweet spirit.
I loved every minute of the conference. I am thankful that I was able to attend and have my sister attend with me.


  1. I have attending TOFW in the past here in Phoenix and really enjoyed it. I purchased ticket for my daughter and I to attend next month clear back in December, then my daughter found out she is moving so I had to sell my tickets because I didn't want to go alone. Sounds like This was a really good TOFW so I can get someone to go with me next year!

  2. I have always wanted to attend these, but they seem to fall on the days of the stake baptisms. Maybe when I have a different calling I can attend!
