
Saturday, October 6, 2012

Les Miserables

Years ago when I lived in Salt Lake City, my sister Cindy and I attended Les Miserables. I didn't understand the play when I first saw it, but over the years I have come to love it and the music. The cast I saw was the same cast that is on the 10th Anniversary DVD (actually I first watched it on a video - which explains how many years I've been watching it). 
 I also listen to the music on CD because I absolutely LOVE it! I became a HUGE fan of Michael Ball who played Marius. I have lots of DVDs and CDs of Michael Ball. He is one of my all time favorite artists. I wish I could go to London and watch him on stage again. But I can enjoy him over and over again on DVD.
 The 25th Anniversary DVD came out and I watched it on PBS. I love it too - except I didn't like Nick Jonas cast as Marius - shaking head. I loved the rest of the cast and the additional songs and detail on this DVD. One day I will own it too.
Have I told you how much I love Les Miserables? My children love it too - because they have seen it and heard it many times through the years. Jason was able to see in New York while on a trip with his dad (soooo jealous).
When it was scheduled to come to Boise we all wanted to go. But of course Mom (me) would have to buy the tickets and I was saving for Brady's college. So it was out of the question that we couldn't go.
One day I was checking the availability of tickets and prices on line - because I really really wanted to go. For a seating for 3 people - Jason, Sharon and me it was clear in the back (Brady is at college). I decided to see how close we could get if I put in only 1 seat. The ticket came up as A1 - front row. I purchased it. Then the next ticket was D19 and I purchased that too. The next one was A22 - Yea all in the front. How cool to have tickets so close to the stage. So we were scheduled to go. This was a gift for Sharon's birthday and also Jason and Sharon's 1st Anniversary (can't believe they have been married for a year now).

 Before we actually went to the show there were complaints from so many people on radio and in the newspapers about how "R" rated the show had become. Everyone was disappointed and mad at the turn to make it sexual and inappropriate.
My heart sunk as I heard the bad reviews. It is a lot of money to throw away. I was torn on what to do because I LOVE Les Miserables!!!
 When we arrived we noticed the A22 ticket was NOT on the floor but on the Mezzanine or the balcony. I decided to take that ticket which was on the first row on the Mezzanine and Jason and Sharon took the floor tickets.
Luckily for me - I couldn't see the sexual stuff that made it "R" rated. I was spared and was able to enjoy the music and the show.
I loved it and was thankful to be spared the bad stuff. It was such a blessing.
Sharon was quite surprised at all the bad stuff.
They made the "Inn" with the "Inn Keeper's" song a Whore house with all the nasty stuff being displayed. Plus several other gropings and jesters. It WAS "R" rated and very sad that they took it this far. I'm sure that other states or cities are OK with this - but not in Idaho - thank you very much.
It's sad that everything you watch on TV or the Movies as become so tainted. I can hardly watch TV anymore. Our culture is going down very quickly and it's very sad.
We enjoyed it VERY Much because we LOVE Les Miserables!
A new movie is coming out in December. I sure hope they keep it PG-13 because I really want to go. The cast is AWESOME! Here is a clip!

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