
Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hope's Baptism

My dear sweet niece is 8 years old and time to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!!!!!
 It's time to be baptized and be washed clean of all sins. This is her first ordinance on the path back to live with Heavenly Father.
 Now that she is old enough, she is able to make sacred covenants with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
A covenant is a 2 way promise.
When Hope is baptized, she makes a covenant to:
Take upon herself the name of Jesus Christ and to serve him and be obedient.
Heavenly Father covenants to give her the gift of the Holy Ghost to help her throughout her life. Through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, she can be forgiven of her sins when she repents. If Hope keeps her baptismal covenant, she can return to live with Heavenly Father again.
 I am so happy for Hope and the choices she is making. She is such a sweet girl.
When speaking with her mom, Rhonda, I asked her if she had found a white dress for Hope. She couldn't find a dress in October because white is out of season.
I told her I would purchase a white dress for Hope as her birthday and baptism gift from Aunt Sondra.
I found the most beautiful dress!
 It was so beautiful I couldn't resist to give it to her. I think every girls should have 3 white dresses: Blessing Dress, Baptism Dress and Wedding Dress.
Hope was excited when she received the package. She felt like a princess - which every little girl should feel like!
Our beautiful Hope ready to leave for the big occasion!!!! 
She is a happy girl!
Here is the program for Hope's baptism. It was really odd that their stake doesn't hold a stake baptism. Each child has their own. AND they made Rhonda the mom make her own program. I just shook my head. I know it is special for the child - but it is such a difference from our Stake. I thought it was a mandate from church head quarters to combine the baptism. It's weird to me when every place/stake in the church doesn't follow the same rules.
Anyway, Rhonda made up the program and with the first picture above as the front of the program. 

Hope and her Dad (my brother), Richard all dress in the jumpsuit and ready for the program to begin and then be baptized.
 Their stake center is really old and I couldn't believe that they did NOT have any big artwork around the building. We made due with what they had, but I was disappointed they didn't have a picture of the Savior being baptized by John the Baptist.
I'm such a spoiled girl to go to a church with beautiful artwork - which I took for granted until I saw that their stake house didn't have it. Now when I enter my own church building I am filled with joy at the beauty around me. I am a very visual person and it just makes me happy and feel close to the spirit with such beautiful artwork!
 After the baptism and dressed again in her baptism dress. Then we went back into the chapel for the talk on the Holy Ghost - by Aunt Sondra!
Then Hope had her 2nd ordinance done, she was confirmed a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and received the gift of the Holy Ghost!
Richard, her dad performed the Baptism and Confirmation!
Richard and Rhonda have 3 daughters: Autumn, Tymber and Hope. This is the first ordinance Richard has been able to do for his daughters. He was inactive for Autumn and Tymber.
Anyway ... it was exciting to have Richard baptise and confirm his baby daughter. It was such a special experience!! 
You are a child of God, He is your Heavenly Father. He loves you and cares about you. He wants you to have faith in Him and pray to Him often - anytime, anywhere.
He hopes you will keep the covenant you made when you were baptized and follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. He has given you the gift of the Holy Ghost to guide you, a family to love and teach you to be a righteous young woman.
We encourage you to learn and live the gospel, serve others and use the talents Heavenly Father has given you to learn and do many good things.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for the beautiful dress. You spoil my girls. We were so happy you were able to share the special day with her!
