
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Lyle's Family at the Open house Part 4

This is my big brother Lyle and his daughters:
Taylor and Taylor's son James, Lyle and Jenny
Lyle, Jenny and her two children Kylee and Gabe plus one on the way and Taylor and James. 
James and Lyle.
I am the proud Aunt that has the opportunity to babysit James every Sunday while Taylor works. I just love that little guy. He is such a good baby and such a joy to play with every week.
Taylor feeding James and Kylee. 
Lyle loves to work up the kids, tickle them and put them up into the sky or ceiling.
Here is Lyle and Colt. 
 He was really working up Colt - while Colt loved every minute of it.
(In the back ground is the Wedding photographer and one of Kyla's friends from BYU Idaho. Oh yea, Kevin and Kayla met at BYU Idaho.)
 Lyle's son Grant didn't make it to the wedding. This is a photo from Jenny's wedding.

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