
Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Kevin and Kayla Open House Part 2

Before the open house they held a family dinner and had professional pictures taken.
 This is the kitchen where all the food was. We ate, pulled pork sandwiches, baked beans, jello salads, vegetable trays and fruit trays and several dessert cookies and bars.
 Some random pictures; Brady, Autumn who is holding Kate and Rhonda (Autumn's Mom).
 Brandon and Richard (my little brother and Rhonda's husband) getting grouchy at me for taking pictures.
 Faith (Zoey Michelle and Brandon's daughter) and Tymber (Richard and Rhonda's daughter).
 The open house was held in Christine (my sister) and Kurt's (husband) back yard. The quilt in the back hanging off the balcony was made by Chris - it was beautiful and made in the wedding colors.
In the picture is Hope, Brady, Kate and Autumn.
A side note: the last time Zoey Michelle, Brandon and family were visiting us ... Kate kept asking where Olive was. We had no idea who or what she was talking about. During the family gathering we found out that "Olive" was "Autumn". We kept telling Kate that her name is Autumn - but she wouldn't go for it. She was still "Olive". Even the photographer started calling Autumn "Olive" it was funny.
 Kylee and Hope sitting around the tables.
When their stake got new tables chairs - Someone in the stake stored these old tables and chairs for individual use for members of the stake. I thought this was awesome because they didn't have the expense of renting tables and chairs like we did for Jason and Sharon's wedding. Such a nice perk for the members in their stake - as it is illegal to take tables and chairs from any ward building.
 Grandma Zoey (my mom) - isn't the yard lovely?
 I kept trying to get a picture of my brother in law Kelly. I finally got one - ha ha ha! Kelly and I used to work together when we worked for Prime Computer. We have a great friendship.
 Here is the family coming down from the house for family pictures.
The table center pieces were darling. Chris found a bunch of glass flower vases from thrift stores and filled them with gold fish. We filled them before the guests arrived (but I didn't get a picture). I loved this frugal idea and was so fun to watch the fish swim around as guests ate the refreshments of cheese cake, fruit and vegetables and cinnamon covered almonds with of course mints.
 Kevin's brothers - Justin and Shawn (our returned missionary).
Hope, Kylee, Kate and Gabe.

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