
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Helaman's Camp

The week before Kevin and Kayla's Open House and all the family in town and staying with us, we were busy preparing Brady for Helaman's Camp and High Adventure Camp.
Photo by Russ Biehn can be purchased by emailing him at
(Stripling Soldier Photo at Bountiful Handcart Days Parade)
Our Meridian Idaho Stake held a Helaman's Camp July 30th - August 1st for all the Priest age young men 16 years old through age 18.
The theme of the camp was Preparing to Preach My Gospel - Doctrine and Covenants 50:14
"To preach my gospel by the Spirit, even the Comforter which was sent forth to teach the truth."
The goal of the camp is to inspire the young men to have stronger testimonies and be better prepared to serve an honorable full-time mission.
Each young man were required to maintain a high standard of conduct and appearance and adhere to the camp rules:
  • Have fun!
  • Always be gracious and considerate of others and observe the highest principles of honor, integrity and morality.
  • Use clean language.
  • Respect others rights and property - treat all who you come in contact with respect and consideration.
  • Participate in camp activities. This includes individual and companionship study, group fireside and all activities.
  • Observe proper dress standards and physical cleanliness. This includes white shirt and tie with long pants to all meetings and firesides; camp t-shirt when appropriate. No baggy pants, un-tucked white shirts or untied ties.
The location of the camp was "Camp Pinetop", near Idaho City, ID.
We had to purchase 3 white shirts. Brady wanted short sleeve shirts (he only has 1 long sleeve white shirt for church). It was a challenge to find 3 white short sleeve shirts - but we finally found 3.
The pants could be either khaki pants or Levis - qty 3 each. Brady wanted khaki pants so we had to purchase them too. We also picked up a couple new ties. (Can a soon to be missionary have enough ties?)
When the boys arrived they were assigned a companion and sorted in districts with district leaders.
Brady told me they didn't stay with their companion too much during the camp - they still hung around with their friends - even though the purpose was to be with your assigned companion.
There were several returned missionaries and missionary couples that did devotionals for the boys to help them prepare and get excited to serve a full time mission. Brady said it was very uplifting.
The service project the boys did was to dig ditches for new water pipes. Brady said that the ground was sooo hard that it took a lot of effort to dig the trenches. Lots of hard work for the boys.
All in all, Brady had a great time at Helaman's camp! It was a great experience.

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