
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hallee's Baptism

 On September 1st, I attended the baptism for my great-niece Hallee.
I was thankful that I remembered to bring my camera, because her mom's camera was broken and she didn't realize it was until they were in the church house.  
Hallee looked very beautiful in her white dress.
Before the service, I took the family into the hallway and took a couple of pictures. Hallee and her dad Jason.
Hallee and with her mom Robyn (my niece) and dad.
A family picture with brother and sisters Bristol (in Mom's arms), Colt, Hallee and Jadyn.
Walking down the hall towards the baptismal font.
I thought Hallee's hair flower was beautiful and wanted to get a picture of it.
Robyn giving Bristol a cookie. Robyn is also pregnant with a new brother or sister (which will be a surprise) due on Sept 26th.

After the baptism and confirmation, we stopped by Hallee's home for a few yummy refreshments. Robyn made banana bars which were very yummy and I totally need the recipe. She also made homemade oreos. Cindy my sister made zucchini cookies and the other grandma brought a bundt cake. It was all very good.

 My sister Cindy is in the floral dress and her husband Kelly is sitting next to her.
It is always an exciting day when a Child of God chooses to be baptised and confirmed a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Also, the importance of having these 2 ordinances performed and making sacred covenants with Heavenly Father AND choosng to become one of Jesus' followers.
It was a wonderful day! I'm proud of Hallee for making this choice in her life. 


  1. She's a beautiful girl.
    Such a great day!

    How is the empty nest? It must be so quiet with all of Brady's busyness gone.

    Have a great week!
