
Sunday, June 24, 2012

Kate with James and Samantha

Every Sunday I have the pleasure of babysitting my niece Taylor's little boy James while she works. I am having such fun with this little man. He is a very calm and happy baby. He's 5 months old now and I've been loving every minute of babysitting him each Sunday.

It's going to be extra nice to have this opportunity when Brady leaves for college and I am an empty nester - empty house girl. I know I will cherish each moment I get to share in my extended families lives and babysit this beautiful boy.

Zoey Michelle, Brandon, Faith, Dawson and Kate attended sacrament meeting with us last Sunday before they left to go home.

After sacrament meeting they took James home with them.

Kate didn't know who this baby was and Zoey and Brandon told them they were taking him home to try him out *giggle.
 Kate said, "How did you know I always wanted a baby brother".
 Kate is too cute! She just loved and loved James.
Every Sunday James' dad texts me when he arrives at church to drop him off before he heads to work. I go and get James and finish sacrament meeting.

This past Sunday, Jerry (James' dad) was heading out of town for training. He was rushed as he was putting together the diaper bag. He forgot an extra change of clothes and a Binky.

During sacrament meeting James drooled/spit up all over his clothes.

Zoey Michelle brought James home, bathed him and put him in some extra baby clothes I had picked up on a huge sale for baby gifts. It was great that I had extra clothes for James.

I also had extra Binky's on hand - just in case. We were saved. After a bath, Zoey Michelle put James down for a nap.

When he woke up Kate was in heaven. She's going to be an awesome big sister (maybe someday)... hint hint - LOL!
At least she gets to enjoy a few babies that come into her path. James and Aunt Laura's baby Samantha.

We love those babies and Kate. OK....I love all my nieces babies .. It's been so much fun watching their children grow.

Today: Zoey Michelle told Kate that they were going to Boise in a month, she said, "Ahhh. I love Sondra! She's a really nice girl!"

Yeah! They'll be back for my Nephew Kevin and Kayla's Wedding open house and Shawn's mission return.