
Saturday, June 23, 2012

Dairy Days 2012

It's time for our favorite Meridian, Idaho's famous Parade:

Dairy Days Parade

Sponsored by our Dairy farmers in the area. We sure love them and how they "give back" to the community. They are wonderful!
When the parade begins, this is what you see.

The milk truck!!! Yippeeeeee!
Everyone along the parade route gets a bottle of chocolate milk - YUM!
Here we are:
Jadyn, Kate, Hallee, Robyn (pregnant with #5), Jason sitting with Bristol (who you can't see) on his lap.
Brady, Dawson and Faith (with my shadow).
Brandon and Zoey.

****Note to self: Remember to sit on the WEST side of the street and out of the sun and into the shade. You'd think I'd remember this - but I'm a creature of habit and always sit on the wrong side of the road. The weather was perfect for the parade with a nice breeze.
A clown came down the road and shot silly string out at the crowd. Colt didn't know what to think about that. He sat and looked at the silly string for quite a while. It was great!
Dawson watching the cow ride drive by.
Dawson and Kate waiting for candy. Don't you love the utters on the cow truck?
Hooray! We got candy!
Oh, that lovely shining sun - glaring most of my pictures.
The "UP" House. This church always has the best floats!

Here the kids are putting candy away in their bags. They ended up with tons of candy!
Bristol was caught up in the action to. She was a huge hit on the parade route. Everyone loved to drop candy in her bag. She sure thought that was neat. CANDY!
Dawson secured his bag of candy on a button on his shirt so he was hands free to grab all that candy.

Some of the reasons why this is our FAVORITE parade is all the treats and fun kids of all ages enjoy in this parade. When we go to this parade, we are quite aggressive in a nice way in shouting and asking for treats - it's what makes it fun!
They throw out Precious Cheese String from our wonderful Dairy Farmers. In fact our family came home with around 40 pieces of String Cheese! I'm not quite sure of how many Robyn's family took home.

TCBY also handed out frozen yogurt that each of us enjoyed! I wish I would have taken a picture of the yogurt - but we were too busy eating it. A chocolate vanilla swirl with a tiny spoon. They thought of every thing. It was so nice to cool off with frozen yogurt!
(I wasn't very nice to Baskin Robins - because they didn't give us anything - no candy, no ice cream, no coupons for a free cone - nothing. Seriously they need to step it up for the parade *grin! - AND yes, I told them so - ha ha ha ... I'm just saying because I LOVE Baskin Robbins ice cream - but would have loved something free - it's just how I am - LOL!)
They also throw out Free T-shirts. Brady usually always gets one.
Our group of family received 4 T-Shirts!!!
 One for Faith, One for Dawson, One for Brady and One for Jason (Robyn's Husband).
Woo HOo! We really scored big during this parade! It was GREAT FUN! Our FAVORITE!

I'm going to leave this post showing you some decorated cows our merchants had in front of their business to celebrate a week full of Dairy Days fun: The theme was the Olympics.

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