
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Brady's Graduation from MHS

May 23, 2012, Brady graduated from Meridian High School.
 The Class of 2012 Graduation Ceremony was held at Boise State University, Taco Bell Arena.
 The Class Motto:
"Each of us has a fire in our hearts for something. It's our goal in life to find it and keep it lit."
by: Mary Lou Retton
 Brady, Amber, Danielle

 Woo Hoo! It's over!
 Amber, Danielle, Andrew and Brady
 Brady's dad made it for the ceremony
Connie, Brady, Maurice and Porter

The one picture on my camera with Brady and me was awful. My eyes are closed. I thought the people I handed my camera to, took more pictures but I only ended up with one terrible picture that won't be posted. Sorry.

Jason and Sharon were able to get off work and come to the graduation too. I was very happy they were there and celebrating with Brady.

Brady told me the night before graduation that there was a surprise for me. I couldn't imagine what kind of surprise would be for ME?

Brady seemed extremely nervous as we drove to Taco Bell Arena. I looked over at him and he had his eyes closed. I thought he was praying and couldn't imagine why he was so nervous.

Brady needed to be there 2 hours early to practise with the choir and the senior class. They wouldn't let me in, so I had to wait in the car. Thankfully I had the foresight to bring a book to read.

The Meridian High School Symphonic Band played until the program was ready to start. I was very impressed and loved the music.

The seniors started filing in and we kept looking for Brady.
The teachers who attended are at the bottom of the picture.
 We found him. He was seated with the choir just under the * asterisk below:
The ceremony started with music.
The MHS Jazz Choir sang the Star Spangled Banner

The the MHS Choir sang two songs:
"Loch Lomand and the 2 soloists were: Dane and Amber
Both did a great job and I was excited to hear Amber sing!

Then we saw Brady go to the microphone.

I was shocked. He didn't tell me he was going to sing a solo.

That was my surprise.
Brady sang "Come Sail Away" by Dennis De Young (Styx).

He did a great job. No wonder he was so nervous.
I just love that boy!
I enjoyed every minute of his talent.

Here Brady is on the huge screen at Taco Bell Arena singing a solo!

In the program by each name, they had a symbol by the student names for their accomplishments:
+ National Honor Society
* GPA 3.5 - 3.7699 (Two Blue Cords)
** GPA 3.77 - 4.099 (Two Gold Cords)
*** GPA 4.1 - 5.0 (Blue and Gold Cords)

Brady's name had *** but no +

Apparently the NHS president forgot to include the officers names when she submitted it for printing. None of the officers were recognized. To bad, but they know in their hearts that they were part of NHS.

However, Brady IS wearing the white National Honor Society symbol around his neck. The pictures I took after graduation he doesn't have it on because they couldn't get their diploma without returning it.

Graduation was fun and memorable! Yea! He did it WITH honors!

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome job! It was fun to see all of his awards.
