
Saturday, April 7, 2012

Our Seedlings are Growing

It's Spring!!
(free printable from and you can get the printable here.)

Pictured above, Tomatoes, Crookneck, Zucchini, Cucumber and Pumpkin. I can't wait to get them planted outside. I love spring!

I love watching seeds grow in the window above my kitchen sink. It makes me happy!

All of the seeds I planted were from last year and beyond. Each one grew! I was worried about the zucchini seed because it took much longer then all the rest. I finally dug down into the dirt to see if the seed was doing anything and it was sprouting roots. I buried it again and a few days later it poked through the dirt.

I know I started my squash and cucumbers too early, hopefully I can keep them alive and growing indoors until it's time to plant them outside. If not, I'll replant them in a few weeks.

I didn't have any seeds for peppers and they are not planted yet. I purchased them and will get  them planted this weekend.
A couple of weeks ago I planted peas and carrots. The peas are finally starting to peek out of the soil. I'm excited for fresh peas - yum!

I have used up ALL of the peas I froze from last years crop. My freezer is empty (pout). I'm hoping that my crop is bountiful this year and my freezer can once again be full of all that goodness.

Last year was the first year I froze peas. We loved them and ate them all winter long in soups, stews and chicken pot pie. Delicious!

I've decided to plant vegetables all through my yard - in all the flower berms. I don't have a "garden" spot in my yard, just flowering areas. But, this year vegetables will be growing everywhere in the front of my house as well as the back. I'm hoping that the vegetables I plant in the front yard will not get stolen before I can pick them. 

This weekend I want to finish planting onions, potatoes, lettuce, spinach and herbs. It is suppose to be warm -  60 to 80 degrees. I have a few areas that need to be cleaned up from last year, but most of the yard is ready for planting.

I love playing in the dirt!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Those are beautiful!
    I love dirt.

    I have a few things started in the house. I've never planed from seed before, I'm excited to see them grow.

    Your weather is definitely beautiful. Unbelievable! I'm excited about 70's tomorrow!

    Congrats on Brady. I love the pictures from the previous post.
