
Saturday, April 21, 2012

80 Degrees Today! The Sun is UP!

It makes me happy when the sun starts shining after winter and rainy days.

It makes me want to:
 Hang clothes on the line outside. I hang towels only until they are a little damp and finish them in the dryer so they aren't so stiff. Mmmmm they smell wonderful hung on the line. Sheets are next!
 Load my $25 dollar sun oven and cook Brownies, Potatoes and frozen Chicken thighs for dinner tonight. Yum!
 I'm starting to "acclimatize" my tomatoes and zucchini that I started indoor from seeds. I'm ready to plant!
Acclimatising pumpkin, crookneck and cucumbers too! They are getting big. I hope they make it to planting time.

My peas and carrots are growing in the garden and onions are planted. I'm hoping to get more items planted today that will survive in April with a chance of frost.

I also want to get the remaining firewood put back in the shed and off of the patio.
Then I will be cleaning my patio and sitting on it reading a book.

I'm happy when the sun is shining!

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