
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Who Came to the Musical?

Thursday, March 2nd our Young Men quorum came to see and support Brady in the play. They loved it!
 Brother Newby came with the Young Men because he is the Y/M's President.

Then on Saturday March 10th he came again and brought his wife Glenna.
 Glenna was Brady's piano teacher and Brother Newby has been our home teacher for years and years. Plus Glenna and I are visiting teaching partners.
We sure love them and call them family!
 Sorry the picture has Connie with closed eyes - shoot! I debated on posting it - but needed to.

Maurice, Brady's dad and his new wife, Connie came from Salt Lake City to see and support Brady's lead performance in the play. It was nice to meet his new wife Connie. I thought she was really nice.
(I was nice too - LOL).
 Maurice brought Brady's step brothers with him - Kyle and Porter.

Maurice and Connie stayed in a hotel but Kyle and Porter stayed with us.

I made chicken pot pie for all of them (even Maurice and his new wife) so they wouldn't have to purchase dinner when they arrived in Boise and before the show. It gave me a little time to get to know Connie. I approve of her and it's much better to get a long then not ... I chose the higher road.
Grandma Zoey came from Pocatello.

Others who came that I didn't get a picture of:
Aunt Chris
Taylor (cousin - my brother Lyle's daughter)
(Patrick and Gary on a trip to Canada - taken by Becky. I just had to add it to the post. Wonderful young men! I'm glad they came to the musical!)

My friend Becky came and she brought her college age son Gary and his friend Patrick along.

We didn't know if Gary and Patrick would like it.
BUT they LOVED it!!

Patrick said after the show, "I can't get this perma grin off my face".  I feel happy, just like I left a Disney show.

They were surprised at all the information the cast has to learn and memorize - the lines, song lyrics and dance steps. They were very impressed at the talent the High School kids had.

It was AWESOME! You definitely came away from the show feeling happy and just plain joyful!

I was very sad that Jason and Sharon couldn't make a performance. They had to work and couldn't get off .... they missed out. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad that Maurice came to support him and that you like his new wife. You always go above and beyond in making people (spouses)feel comfortable in what could be awkward situations. I wish we could have been there as well. Did the school video it?
