
Thursday, February 23, 2012

Piano Man

My favorite thing is listening to Brady play the piano. I will miss having his lovely music fill our home when he leaves for college and his mission.
 He did a post on his Tumbler blog and of course it needs to be on my blog too ... here it is.
 (Blogged by Brady)
A new semester, and a new time to shine. During finals this past week, I’ve been getting done early and had time to listen to my iPod until class got out. Recently, I’ve started to listen to LIGHTS again and was especially swooned recently by a song called, “Pretend (Reprise).” It’s the singer singing the lyrics to one of her songs, only it’s slowed and played with only a classic piano. I started to imagine what it would be like if I could play the piano part, and it gave me shivers. When I got home, I printed off the sheet music with a quick Google search, and have basically mastered it.
My choir teacher told me that she wanted me to play a transition piece for our next concert. I was wondering what I was going to do. I was thinking I would just be lazy and play “Cut” by Plumb again, but now I know it’s just got to be this song. All I need to do is find a beautiful, talented, amazing girl that would be willing to sing this for a quarter project and a transition piece for our Spring concert. I am really looking forward to it.

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