
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

50 ?? How Did That Happen?

A half of a century! That's how long I've been on this earth. I guess I am middle age now... because I'm going to live until I'm 100!
I always thought 50 years old was OLD. Not anymore. I'm 50 years young.

My favorite thing about birthdays are the telephone calls and wishes I receive. It's fun to connect with friends and family who love and support me.

It was getting pretty late in the day and I had not heard from Jason and Sharon yet. I wondered if I should call them and remind them that it was my birthday. Finally I had Brady send them a text. The phone rang a minute later. Jason said he had remembered when he woke up but got distracted throughout the day and had forgotten to call me. He wanted to come right over and do something, but I told him that Brady was leaving to another birthday party, so we should do something the next day. Jason and Sharon brought me a cake and we ended up going to lunch the next day to celebrate.

For my birthday, Brady gave me a ticket for the Meridian High School's Jazz Choir dinner and music show the next week. It was very thoughtful!

It was held in the school's cafeteria.
The schools culinary class prepared and served the meal:
Ice cream (not homemade)
The Jazz band played while the Jazz Choir sang through dinner.

Also while dinner was going on there was a silent bid going on. I bid on several Scentsy baskets and Brady wanted to bid on a Ice World skating basket. We kept bidding throughout the dinner, but the Scentsy baskets were getting too high for the value in the basket, so I quit bidding.
 We bid up to $38.00 on the Ice skating package and we won that.
 The basket included:
Man's scarf
Women's scarf
2 mugs
6 packages of gourmet hot chocolate
A pair of gloves
4 tickets to Ice Skate at Ice World

Brady is planning a double date with some friends.

It was fun to win and support the choir.

They also held a dollar raffle. I thought it was a great idea. When the item came up for raffle, you held up a dollar if you wanted to bid on it. When they picked up your dollar they would tell you a number. When everyone quit bidding they put the numbers in a bowl and drew a number for the winner.
I bid about $20 worth of dollars.
We won a scrapbooking packet for Birthdays.
2 hours worth of yard work from the National Honor Society.

It sure was fun! I enjoyed every minute of the evening. Especially being with my dear son, Brady. It was an awesome date!
I also received this yummy smelling bath set from my team teacher in Primary - Alyssa.

I was shocked when she showed up at the door with a gift for me. She is a sweetie and I'm enjoying teaching with her.

It was a nice 50th birthday! I still can't believe I'm 50 now ..... except the next day I was looking in the mirror and I swear I had at least 20 new gray hairs (still refusing to dye my hair).


  1. I still can't believe it either! I'm sorry that I missed the actual day. February is now my busiest month I think ... our family anniversary, Valentines, and Kate's birthday --- all exactly 1 week apart. Anyhow, happy, happy birthday to the most amazing aunt! I hope you cherish ever moment!!!

  2. Happy BIrthday to you!!!!
    It sounds like it was a nice one.

    You're only 50? Ya look like a 29 year old.

  3. Happy Birthday Sondra! It sounds like it was really nice :-D

    Hey 50 is the new 30!!

  4. Happy belated birthday!!!! I'm sorry I'm very behind on my blog reading so I didn't get to say it sooner.
