
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Way Back Wednesday: Baptism

I pulled out my sons baptism photos to share with my Primary class. I shared with them my baptism, but didn't have any pictures to share. I wanted to share some pictures so I brought Jason and Brady's baptism pictures for them to look at and told them about their baptism too.
 I thought this would be an excellent way back Wednesday post, since I already had the pictures out of the albums. Brady and his dad Maurice. Maurice traveled from Salt Lake City to perform the baptism. Brady had to be baptised 2 times. The first time he didn't go all the way under the water.  
 Brady and his mom, Sondra.
 I was a single mom with Jason. Since Jason didn't have a dad with the Priesthood to perform the ordinances, he asked Uncle Kurt to baptize him.
And Jason asked Uncle Kelly to confirm him a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We were able to reserve the church to have a private baptism for Jason. They don't allow that today, but back then they let us.

Both baptism days were wonderful. I love looking at those cute 8 year old boys. Awe!


  1. They are very beautiful boys. I love baptism pictures. SO sweet.

    Way back! Wasn't that just yesterday? Where do the years fly to?

  2. It is definately fun to look back on those Baptism days which are so special :-D
    It seems like it goes by so fast.

    When my youngest son was baptized we missed the Stake Baptism because we thought it was one week and it had been the week before for some reason so Pres. Brinkerhoff let us have a private Baptism for him. We had family coming into town, he consented. Rare indeed. I really do like the Stake Baptism though. I like to see all the little kids.
