
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Priest Quorum

Last weekend Brady was sustained as the 1st Assistance in the Priest Quorum.

The Priest Quorum President is the Bishop, and Brady is to help the Bishop along with the rest of the Priest Quorum presidency in serving the Quorum. He'll have to attend monthly meetings with the Bishop, Quorum presidency meetings, and call/communicate with the quorum members each week for the Wednesday activity.

 When Brady was asked to serve in this position, I asked Brady if he told the Bishop how busy he is right now. He didn't tell him and doesn't feel like it's a problem. I know with the Lord's help he will be able to serve diligently in this calling.

They set Brady apart during church last Sunday. I was kind of mad that they didn't grab me out of Primary to attend the blessing to set him apart. When he has been in past Y/M Presidencies they have always grabbed me to attend the blessing.
I gave Brady and the Young Men's president (who is also our home teacher and friend) a hard time for not getting me.

I told them I only have "months" left with Brady before he is on his own - "not years" - and I wanted to be there.

I was half joking with them but half serious too. I'm sad I couldn't hear the blessing he received. I love Priesthood blessings - they are the best!

One last note... Brady hasn't completed his Eagle project yet either. He has until August to get it done. (One of the things I hate about being a single mother - getting this scouting stuff done).


  1. This is great! With all the other things Brady has going in this will be the most important long term by far!! He was chosen by the Lord.

  2. Wow is he busy! I can understand how you were hurt not being there. That happened to me once before too and I was really disappointed. I just figured it's hard for men to think of things like that. :) Congrats on Brady's acceptance to Boise State. I'm sure it will just be one of many.

    I love how you were talking about what an optimistic person you are. I'm not that way so I am working on it. I'm sure it's difficult to know how little time you have left with Brady. My son is turning 16 soon and I'm already starting to be sad about how soon he'll be leaving. But I have two more children at home and he's your last. You have done such a great job as a mom and you will continue to even when he isn't in your home. :)
