
Monday, December 19, 2011

Unexpected Thank You's

There was an unexpected knock on our door the other night. Brady answered it and told the person to come in - I was making dinner. I came around the corner to see our Relief Society President , Karri holding a HUGE Poinsettia.
She was giving it to me as a "Thank You" for helping out with the ward Christmas Party. WOW! I do things to help out ... not expecting such a lavish gift. I felt very honored. She also gave me a thank you card below:
I felt the love .... I couldn't believe it!

The Poinsettia was huge! I had to figure out where to put it in my already over decorated and small living room - LOL! (Not a bad problem to have - ha ha)
I decided it could be placed on the floor next to my Christmas tree... there was perfect spot just waiting for a huge Poinsettia!
Aaaahhh the love!

I also receive another note in the mail from someone in our ward - Ann. People are so nice ... especially since I thought Ann didn't like me - wow! (due to a fall out when I was Primary President - which happens sometimes with issues, complaints and not being perfect) I guess sometimes I misjudge people - because I thought she really, really had bad feelings toward me .. isn't that how it is when you don't have an on going friendship with someone you feel comfortable with? (now I feel bad for my judgements). It was really kind of Ann to send me a thank you card out of the blue.
I'm blushing from all the love!!! For me, thank you notes always lift my spirits. It's something I need to do more often to others.

I thought since I had a camera in hand, I would shoot a few pictures around my living room.
The village and nativity below.
A beautiful Nativity on the piano.

From my home to yours .... Merry Christmas!


  1. Everything looks gorgeous!

    Those are some sweet thank you notes. :)

    Have a wonderful Christmas~

  2. Your home looks so lovely! I love your tree. It's gorgeous. Homey and warm.

    Good for sweet people who make you feel special.....because you are!

  3. So glad people took the time to express their feelings and gratitude. Sometimes we never know how something we said or did impacted someone else. I can feel the love you have for your family and for the Savior in your beautiful home.

  4. your house is so beautiful! I especially love the nativities (since I collect them). your house looks so inviting & full of the Christmas spirit.
