
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Winning Tickets for Jim Brickman Concert

Life has been a little tougher then usual. We've been having car problems and expenses. I hurt my knee a few months ago and it's been slow to heal. It seems like I can't get a head of life and I've been kind of down in the dumps - not my usual happy self.

Sometimes good things happen in your life just when you need a pick me up. That is what happened to me a week ago. Thursday, November 3rd as I was driving to work I was listening to 107.9 Lite FM on the radio. They had a special guest, Jim Brickman on air. He was talking about his concert that night at the Morrison Center and they were playing some of his music. I was really enjoying it and they said that they were giving a couple of tickets away for the concert that night. I thought, "Oh, I would LOVE to attend that concert".

They opened the phone lines and I called in. I've never called in and didn't know if I had the right number. At first the call didn't go through and I thought I probably dialed the wrong number. I hit redial and it rang. I WON two concert tickets for that evening!

I was really excited! Every time I thought about it while I worked tears came to my eyes. I felt so grateful and blessed! I could hardly wait until Brady came home from school so that I could tell him!

We dressed and drove down to the Morrison Center. They told me the tickets could be picked up at the "Will Call". Unfortunately the tickets we NOT there. 107.9 Lite FM had a tent outside and they directed us to them. They took my name and went in to search for the tickets. We ended up visiting with the girl manning the tent. While we were waiting she gave us prizes (because I was so nice - LOL). She gave me a Lite FM water bottle filled with candy, a $10 gift certificate to U-Swirl frozen yogurt, a CD for Michael Buble' single "Hold On". It was my lucky day.

Finally the other person came back with my tickets that he took from Jim Brickman's hands (squeal), on row "G" right in the middle. That is the 7th row from the orchestra pit.  They were awesome seats.
A lot of people don't know who Jim Brickman is. He is "America's Romantic Piano Sensation". He writes and plays beautiful Romantic Piano music. Some of his romantic love songs are include in this  short youtube video.

He was a wonderful and funny performer. Jim doesn't really sing very much - only with others on a chorus - he plays the piano.
It was uplifting music! Brady and I loved every minute of the concert.

He had some friends there to sing his songs:
Anne Cochran who has been a friend to Jim since high school - and she was wonderful!  
Ben Utecht 6'8" football Superbowl star with a wonderful voice - and a Superbowl ring - LOL!.

It was a memorable evening and one I really needed to lift my spirits. Brady came home with 2 piano books full of Jim Brickman songs. I can't wait until he can sit down and play these proficiently - filling our home with beautiful music!


  1. Life is full of ups and downs, but it is wonderful when things go your way and you get 'lucky.' Let me know if you need anything!

  2. I love Jim Brickman. You are a very lucky lady. :)

  3. I hadn't heard of him. I'm so glad you won! Little things like that really can make a big difference when we need it!
