
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Service at Boise Rescue Mission

Brady volunteered to help the Boise Rescue Mission put together Thanksgiving Food Boxes for the needy. This service was part of Brady's National Honor Society at Meridian High School. There were around 20 kids from NHS to help put the food boxes together.

Because the Rescue Mission is located downtown Boise, I decided to drive Brady there and stay and volunteer too. 

When we first arrived they put us to work on a mass mailing while our hands were clean.

They then did a quick orientation of what services they provide the homeless and those in need.

Then they put us to work putting together food boxes for a Thanksgiving meal.
 We signed up to help out from 5:00 pm to 8:30 pm. We had a bunch of extra time left after completing the food boxes, so they put us to work logging in donated food (for the IRS).
It was amazing all the food that was donated and it was a lot of work to take care of Uncle Sam before they could distribute the food. We had to organize it into:
Boxed goods
Jar goods like peanut butter, oil etc.

I couldn't believe how dented the cans were and smashed the boxes are by the time they get to the Rescue mission. But I guess food is food.

It was a fun evening helping out. I really enjoyed it a lot and hope to be able to volunteer again.

It makes you realize how blessed we really are to have a home and food to eat - plus a job to provide for our needs. We are very blessed indeed.


  1. Such a great idea. So awesome that you were volunteer your time with Brady as well.

    Hope you have a great Thanksgiving Day filled with wonderful things.
