
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Fall Yard Clean Up

Spring and Fall come with their own challenges.

Spring plant flowers!
Fall remove flowers. 
It's always a lot of work. But I love the beauty of my flower gardens.
 I don't particularly love the barren look of cleaned up flower beds or the leaves off of the lilac bush, but it's much better then dead flowers all winter that have to be cleaned up in the spring.

I have been working really hard to get the yard cleaned up while we had free leaf / yard clean up - garbage pick up. Yea! It's done!
 I miss all those beautiful flowers - I planted a bunch for the wedding! I had a beautiful yard this year and enjoyed every minute of it!
I love impatients planted in the front yard. Now they are all gone.
 The berm along the side of my house. These pictures were taken in July. By October everything was large and filled in.
Cleaning up the berm was a lot of hard work - but now it's clean.
 Back yard on the side of the patio.
Flowers everywhere.
All gone until next year.

Whooh.. I'm glad it's done and the yard is put to bed.

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