
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Way Back Wednesday - Grandma and Grandpa

I received an email from a relative (Matthew) who found me from a heritage post I did on our Great, Great Grandparents Joel B and Zoay M Long at this post here. Matthew is related to Claudie Long and I am related to Clemma Long (My grandmother).
 Grandma Clemma the baby of the family, migrated to Utah when she was 4 years old. Her father Joel died during the trek to Utah.

I thought I would add pictures of my Grandpa Henry (Henrich Roudolph) and Grandma Clemma Drusilla Long family.
 Back row boys:
Joel (age 28), Edwin (age 26), Leo (little guy in the middle - age 12), Randell (age 22) and Dale (age 18), (missing is Glen - age 24).
Front row:
Bonnie (age 13), Grandpa Henry, Darrell (age 5) on his lap had down syndrome, my mom the baby of the family Zoey (age 3) on Grandma Clemma's lap and Jean (age 16).
Their 5th child Donald Arthur died as a baby at 6 months old - he was born a blue baby.
Henry and Clemma had 11 children 10 lived.
Joel, Glen, Edwin, Jean, Leo, Bonnie, Dale and Randell
Front row:
Darrell, Henry, Clemma and Zoey age 7 (My mom).

Both picture above and below were taken at a family reunion at Deer Cliff Inn, Cub River, Idaho or Mapleton, Idaho.
I can only tell you Grandpa Henry and Grandma Clemma
My mom is right behind Grandma Clemma
Right behind my mom Zoey is Aunt Jean who is holding her 2nd son Bill. Grandma is holding Aunt Jean's oldest son Danny (Aunt Jean had 8 children). Next to Jean on the left is Aunt Bonnie and she is holding her oldest daughter Mary (Aunt Bonnie had 8 children too). You can barely see Darrell right behind Grandpa Henry's head.  
I'll take a guess at this picture.
Back row Uncle Edwin, Uncle Dale, Uncle Leo, Uncle Randell, Uncle Glen and Uncle Joel.
Front row: Aunt Bonnie, My mom Zoey, Grandpa Henry, Grandma Clemma, Darrell, Aunt Jean.
Grandpa Henry and Grandma Clemma

My grandpa died June 19, 1967 when I was 5 years old. I have a rich memory of how much I loved him in that short time.

Grandma Clemma remarried Elmer Neaf July 12, 1968.

Grandma Clemma died July 6, 1978.

Out of all their children (my Aunts and Uncles) only 3 remain alive today:
My mother Zoey the baby (73 years old)
Uncle Leo (82)
Aunt Jean (86)