
Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Jenny, Taylor and the Kids Visit

Last week my mom was in town for her annual doctor appointment. She likes her doctor here and hasn't established a new on in Eastern Idaho.

While she was here, my nieces Taylor, Jenny and Jenny's kids Kylee and Gabe came for a visit.
Gabe and Kylee
Taylor and Jenny.

I was happy that I had leftover crafts from my Primary Parties for Gabe and Kylee to work on.
They colored some leftover masks I had from last years party.
And they made finger puppets too. These are a couple of girls from last years Primary class showing the finger puppets we made. I also had bubbles and play doe for them to play with. It was lots of fun!

Gabe and Kylee don't know me very well, but I hope they had enough fun that they will come again to Aunt Sondra's house.

It was pure joy having them here.

Taylor is pregnant with her first child. We just found out what she is having. The ultrasound tech was the father's mom. They wanted to surprise Taylor with the sex of the baby and didn't tell her until the next day during a celebration. The mother ordered a cake with pink or blue in the middle. The cake was cut and Taylor is having a boy. We are all very excited for her.

I had to leave and go to a baptism for one of my primary children. Normally we have our baptisms in our church building, but for some unknown reason we had it at the stake house. I haven't been to a baptism in our stake house. It was really weird because the font is in the hallway - not the primary or relief society room, but the hallway.
An unusual thing happened while we were waiting for everyone to file into the Primary room to watch the baptism. We sat in the primary room and the folding curtain back wall is open to the hallway where the font is.

A child got loose from his parents and slipped into the font for a swim - church clothes and church shoes still on. It was shocking! They had one of the father's dressed in the white jumpsuit go in and grab him out. The boy didn't want to get out, he was having a great time swimming around. It was crazy and I'm sure he had a red butt when he got home.

It wasn't a big deal, but it sure will be a lasting memory for those kids who were baptized that day.


  1. Cute pictures of Gabe and Kylee. I read on Taylor's FB page where she is having a boy.

    Yikes on the kid that went for a swim. I bet his parents were horrified.

  2. I am surprised more kids don't sneak into the font more often! :)
