
Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cross Country District Meet

Cross Country has been tough this year. I don't know if it is due to senioritus or being very busy.

Brady missed 2 meets this year. He missed Warrior Mountain because it fell on General Conference weekend. I let him decide if he wanted to go or stay home and watch General conference. I was thrilled that he decided to stay and watch it. Our coach blew a gasket because he didn't go, but I was proud of him - oh well.

The next meet in Nampa fell on parent teacher conference and the College Career Fair. I have really been stressing out about college and felt it was important for him to attend the college fair. He missed the Nampa meet and we went to the college fair. I guess I was expecting more from the fair at school then what it ended up being. I shouldn't have made the decision to miss the meet, but I didn't know the fair would be like that. Oh well again.

Friday was the last race, District meet at Eagle island. He ran at 3:30 and I didn't have enough time to shower and drive out there after work to make it. I missed him racing. As I reflect on this years season, I only attended one meet. Pretty sad, but it has been such a busy season with Jason and Sharon's wedding.

I don't think Brady was as into the season as he has been in previous years either. I think it's hard to be a senior and be the only senior on the JV team. But, that is fine. He did run the first race on the Varsity team - which was really exciting.

He did have a personal record during the district race. His time came in at 19 minutes and 36 seconds!! Woo Hoo! I'm proud of him and his dedication in running during the past 6 years on the cross country teams in middle school and high school.

READY ..... SET ..... Go!  Brady's on the right hand side.

Look at those boys go!

I love the strong determined face. Grin!

The fall weather has been gorgeous! It was a great day for a race!

I think he is feeling it now! He said for a while he couldn't feel the energy he needed for the push. Then someone he knew was about to pass him and he wasn't going to let that happen. That was the spark he needed to pull it in gear and push ahead.

He beat Nathan, one of his teammates he is really competitive with. Except Nathan is lots taller then Brady - Nathan usually beats Brady by a couple of seconds, but Brady came in front of Nathan. He loved that! (You can see Nathan next to Brady in the 3rd picture)

Having a PR - or personal record to end his Cross Country career was awesome too!

The end of the race waiting in line to give his number to the timing coaches. He was happy to see the great time he had. As soon as the race was over he called me with his excitement. I'm really proud of him!

I wanted to add a picture of their new Coach Aaron this year. He's been different then our beloved Coach Rusty but Brady liked him too.

Another note, the Varsity boys are going to state! First time since 2002. Yea Varsity Boys team! Go Warriors!

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