
Tuesday, September 6, 2011

XC Race Caldwell Twilight

Photo by Alena Harrell and her business website is:

September 1st, Thursday was Meridian's first cross country meet. It was held in Caldwell Idaho, called Twilight Invite. The weather was perfect! Meridian Varsity boys took 4th place!! Woo Hoo!

This was Brady's first time running on the Varsity team. I think he had mixed emotion at being there. It is the difference at being near the first for JV or near the last for Varsity. He did well for the first meet with a time of 20.44 minutes for a 5K.

He started too fast in the mix of the varsity kids and didn't pace himself. After the first mile he started to hurt and slowed a little. Then he found himself out of the pack and alone. It was hard for him to run alone and not have someone near to pace himself with. He didn't come in last, but was near the last.

He did a great job and improved his time by 1:12 minute at the same course last year. I think that was a great accomplishment. This will be a great year for Brady. This next week they are off to Silverwood, one of the enjoyable meets they have. After the meet they get to go to the Silverwood amusement park. Due to budget cuts, they don't have a bus taking them this year. Some parents from the team have volunteered to drive them. I wish I could go, but I must work.

I love cross country season. However, it comes during the busy time of year when I am trying to keep up on yard work and canning produce. PLUS, this year I am trying to pull together Jason and Sharon's wedding in just 2 more weeks. My stress level is gradually rising day by day. I'll try to blog now and then, but I'm pretty busy getting ready for the big day. Here is a sample of what my schedule has been like:

Last weeks schedule was:
Wed 31st: Sharon's fitting / and wedding dress alteration meeting that afternoon, came home and canned 5 quarts of tomatoes.
Thursday: Cross country meet in Caldwell 4pm - 9pm
Fri: Prepare for Sharon's Bridal Shower
Saturday: 2PM Baptism for Teija, 4PM Sharon's bridal shower (at my house).
Sunday 10am Brady and I had our Patriarchal blessing (nope, I've never had one before and it was amazing!)
Monday: Worked all day, 2 houses and 1 business (no holiday for me)

This week I need to work on the yard, and do some touch up paint on house trim, can more tomatoes, cook and freeze spaghetti sauce, cookies and bread for spaghetti feed.

My mom arrives on the 11th to work with me and help prepare for the wedding.

The next week 12 - 18 (the week of the wedding) this is my schedule:
Thursday 15th: Tables and chairs delivery.
Thursday 15th: Host cross country spaghetti feed
Friday 16th: Cross country meet at Settlers Park
Saturday: Wedding rehearsal dinner in our back yard (ordering chicken and preparing side dishes and desserts).
Sunday: Wedding

Wish me luck that I survive :-D


  1. I am sure you will be glad when it is all done. I am also happy you and Brady received your blessing. We loved getting ours and I love to read mine, especially when I am feeling down. Can't wait to see you for the wedding.

  2. It was fun to see Brady running with the Varsity the other night. It was such a beautiful night that night - a great way to start off the season!

    My jaw is on the floor that you have never had your Patriarchal blessing. WOW - it is such a guide through life. I bet it is really great to finally have it!!
    I'm wondering why you waited so long.

    Good luck with all the wedding stuff. It really is SO MUCH work and it is very stressful...VERY stressful. Again, if I can help in anyway just let me know. Really!

    I know it will be beautiful!

  3. My mouth is on the floor right now! You are one busy women!! If you need anything - please call me!!

    That is great about your Patriarchal Blessing!!
