
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Brady's 17th Birthday

Brady had a low key birthday this year. He wanted an Oreo cake for his birthday with Oreo cookie and cream ice cream. We ended up getting a small cake from the store - as I've been too busy to get one made. It was yummy!
He received this great birthday wish from his Seminary teachers in the mail. It made him happy!
His gifts included a gift card for iTunes.
And this video, Princess Mononoke. He loves the movie Spirited Away and his friends told him to watch this one. He said he still likes Spirited Away better. 
I had a short working day on his birthday, so I told him he needed to go get his drivers license. He passed the written test, but we had to schedule a driving test to get his license.

Jason was kind enough to take Brady to his driving test the next day (I was working). Brady passed and now is the proud owner of a drivers license. Hooray!
We finished the evening going out to dinner at Sizzler for Steak and all you can eat shrimp. Jason and Sharon came and helped us celebrate. It was a nice low key birthday.

Best of all Brady is a licensed driver and now I don't have to drive him around everywhere!! Pure Joy. However, adding him to our insurance policy was a huge OUCH! Oh well!

I have to add how disappointed I am in his dad. It was about 9:30 PM and I told Brady I was going to call his dad and remind him it was Brady's birthday. Brady told me NOT to do it. About 10 PM his dad finally called to wish him a happy birthday - Sheesh. SAD - but at least he remembered. NO birthday card or gift in the mail which I think is pretty sad. Sometimes I just want to shake these men and make them wake up to what is really important in this life .... shaking head. I guess I should be grateful that at least he called.


  1. At least he called. Brandon's dad only called on his birthday and father's day so that the kids could wish him happy birthday and happy father's day!

  2. Awwww...what an awesome birthday your son had! =) To pass his written test and then pass his driving test and received his drivers license, how awesome is that! =) Your son looks happy and is so blessed...all that matters is that he was able to spend his birthday with the ones he LOVE, family! =) =) Have a wonderful day! =) =) (I just now started following your blog, my name is Kepa and I'm married with 3 little girls ages' 6, 5 and 3! So just imagine what my stress level is like with 3 screaming little girls in my home, hehehe! I'm also a member of the church and I'm sitting here so forgetful to how I came across this wonderful blog of yours...I blame my forgetting things on my husband and 3 girls, haha! Take care!)

  3. Happy Birthday to Brady and Good Job getting the drivers license!!

  4. Happy belated birthday to Brady! My son is 15 1/2 and wants a license, but it is so expensive that I don't think he's getting one for a while. :)
