
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Returning From The Pioneer Trek

Saturday our Pioneer Trekker's arrived home safe and sound.

Brady looks like such a stud in his hat and sunglasses.
Ma, Brady and Pa at the end of the trek.

Brady had a wonderful time with them. He has been very lucky with the Ma and Pa's he has had for both treks ..... they have been wonderful! I'm thankful for their sacrifice to be with our children and take care of them during the journey. 

The first trek in 2007, the food was terrible. The first night they only gave the kids broth and flour biscuits. Then during the trek they had pioneer food, jerky, mush, etc. It was hard for the kids. Brady declared that he couldn't look at another piece of jerky for 3 years after that trek.

This year, they didn't starve the children. Good meals the whole trek. Thank you President Osborne!! Having real good food helped the children enjoy the trek much more this year then the last time. (more about that later)

Sunday, during sacrament meeting they had the Ma and Pa's and support workers from our ward stand up to recognize them. Then the Bishop had the youth stand up - our STRONG youth, our Valiant Soldiers. It was wonderful to recognize them. It was more then just walking and pulling a handcart, it was also a very spiritual journey. During Sunday school and Young Men's and Women's classes, they discussed the journey and bore testimonies. Brady really could feel the spirit strong throughout the trek.

He also did not get one blister on his feet. However, he said one girl from his family had the record of the group -- 11 blisters. Poor girl. If you go on a trek, don't wear new shoes, and purchase expensive wool socks. Gell-in's in your shoes helps too. Brady did Gell-ins (gell inserts) the first trek, but not this one. All the socks we purchased were expensive $12 a pair wool sock - expensive but worth it (although we had a deal, purchase one and the 2nd at 1/2 price). He will use them for boy scout hikes, camp outs and at this point in his life, he will wear them until they wear out. Good socks AND good shoes that are broken in are the key to no blisters. 
As soon as we were in the car to go home, Brady handed me this. Guess what it is? A journal!!! He wrote it for me, so that I could put it in my blog / journal. This was the best present he could have brought back to me. 

There are 4 days in his journal. I need to work on getting it typed out and added / with a few more pictures. 

The journal also was a hymn book. The first few pages were the words for many songs they sang on the trail and at camp. The songs are:
High on the Mountain Top
We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet
Come, Come, Ye Saints
For the Strength of the Hills
Carry On
How Firm a Foundation
True to the Faith
Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked
Little Pioneer Children
To Be a Pioneer
The Handcart Song
Whenever I think About Pioneers

I'll leave this blog with the words of "To Be a Pioneer"

You don't have to push a handcart,
Leave your family dear,
Or walk a thousand miles or more
To be a pioneer!

You do need to have great courage,
Faith to conquer fear,
And work with might for a cause that's right
To be a Pioneer!


  1. Awesome! Glad he had a great time. My son leaves on Monday for Trek!!!

  2. I am actually giddy thinking that he wrote in the journal the whole time for you!!! How priceless! Thanks for always sharing your great adventures with us!

  3. Can't tell you how sweet I think that is that he kept the journal for you, knowing how much it would mean to you.
