
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Jason's 27th Birthday

My dear sweet baby boy, Jason had his 27th birthday Monday. I thought I would throw in a picture of his 1st Birthday. (Way back Wednesday)
Where does the time go? It goes by quickly. I loved being a mother. Jason was a great son and we sure had a lot of fun together ... just the 2 of us. Don't you love the cake I made? 

I arranged my work schedule to have Monday night off to celebrate Jason's 27th birthday with him. 
 He requested art supplies for his birthday. I did my best to get him a good range of supplies. 
 It's always a wonderful day when we can spend it together. He wanted to go to dinner at a Chinese place in downtown Boise. It was delicious! I need to get the name of the restaurant from Jason so that I can put it on my blog. I will definitely go there again - Yum!
 Silly mustache boy - He's a crack up. 
Jason posted this picture of the art supplies I gave him on facebook. I can't wait to see all the wonderful things he creates now that he is stocked up on supplies again. 

It was a wonderful evening and birthday for my oldest son!

Happy Birthday Jason! I love you!
We took a couple of pictures of Jason and Sharon for a possible Wedding invitation photo. This one was a good one, but not as crisp as we would have liked it. We are going to try and take more pictures later this week. Hopefully we can get a good one and get the wedding invitation made up and sent out. I can't believe it's almost August ... time is ticking by quickly. Wedding date is September 18th. 


  1. Happy belated bday to him. Our kids will always feel like our babies, huh? Really don't know what I'm gonna do when my 8-year old grows up and moves on.

    That is a great cake and a fun pic. Hope they get a photo that they just love for the invites.

  2. Happy Birthday to him!! I love the relationship that I have with my adult children. Seems to me as if it makes all the things worth while. Hope you get the picture you want. Take it in the early morning or late afternoon about an hour before sunset. That will help make the difference. Also, you can use shade during a different part of the day to make the difference, but you will be happier if you get the pictures during the "golden hour" of photography.
