
Friday, June 24, 2011

Wednesday's Thunder Storm w/Pictures

Wednesday night, June 22nd we had a thunderstorm. 

We don't get very many here and when we do, I love them. I always have loved the sound of thunder and how lightening lights up the sky. 

I was working outside in a flower bed when it began. Then I sat outside and watched the sky light up.

I found these cool pictures on and had to post them - because they are amazing. I did not take any of these pictures - FYI.
 Seriously.... isn't that amazing? I wonder how they took that! Amazing!

I suspect this is the bolt that is in the first picture. Isn't the sky ominous? 

Unfortunately there were fires in the foot hills ... but with the green wet spring weather, they were able to put them out quickly. 


  1. That was one scary storm!!! I love thunderstorms too but those bolts of lightening were HUGE and the thunder shook the very earth!!

    I'm glad to have 4 walls around me when those kinds of storms hit!

  2. We had one here also. The news even reported a tornado and several trees down. Crazy weather. Autumn was at the drive-in-theater for part of the storm, scary.

  3. Very cool pictures! I love them!

  4. I love thunderstorms, but that just looks scary!
    I was so happy to be able to come by and catch up with all your posts. Hope you keep having a summer full of fun like the parades and more great plants growing.
