
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Way-back Wednesday - Sondra's Baby Pictures

I thought I would get my own baby pictures on my blog. Baby Sondra Dee. 

 1st birthday almost 49 1/2 years ago. These pictures have been through a lot in that time.

 Typical kid who doesn't want to smile. Plus the trademark curl on the top of my hair. What is the first thing my mother did with Jason's hair when he was born? Put a curl on top - LOL!
 I have naturally curly hair. I had ringlets my whole life. After my mother washed my hair, she would wrap it around her finger and pull it out- walla - ringlets without curlers.

I thought I would throw in a picture with my brother and sisters. That is quite the face I am pulling. 
Cindy holding on to me and making me take the picture - LOL!
Lyle - a good picture of him
and Christine. 

I would guess this picture was taken up Cub River by Preston, Idaho. That is where my grandparents lived. 


  1. You are such a cutie! Sorry I haven't been over is a rollar
