
Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mother's Day

I had a very nice Mother's Day. As always I feel lots of love from my children.

Saturday Brady and I went to lunch at Sizzler for a great salad bar and endless shrimp side. Yum! This is wonderful to me, because Brady NEVER wants to go out and eat! But, he did it for me as a Mother's Day gift. I enjoy going out to eat now and again. My favorite place is Sizzler or Red Lobster. 
Sunday Brady wrote me a really nice note about how much he loves me. 
Too bad it's not in ink, but this is what it says:

Dear Mom,

I love it when you feed me, I love how you always love to have everything clean and orderly, I love it when we talk when I actually want to talk, I love that you would get a job that lets you be a mother, I love that you put me into piano lessons, but most importantly, I love you!

Brady Mathews

( I loved the "talk when I actually want to talk - isn't that the truth with teenagers). LOL!

Our church program was wonderful. They had 3 seniors in school, give talks about mothers. I loved each talk! 

In primary they made the teachers go to Relief Society and Priesthood, while the Y/W came in a took care of our children. I don't know what the purpose was for that ... but it made me angry. I don't like to be in Relief Society. I always BEG to be in Primary and yet, they made me go. I was half tempted to go home - but I went... I'm still not happy about that. 

I knew about it, because Stephanie from our Primary Presidency called me earlier in the week to give me a heads up. She said, "Out of all of our teachers, I know you are the one who won't want to go". She knows me so well. I tried to beg her to let me help and stay - but they wouldn't let me do it. 

I still don't understand why it was important to MAKE me go to Relief Society.. I know I have a bad attitude. 
 Jason and Sharon gave me an old iPhone they had to use as an iPod. It's not an active phone - which is great for me as I will NEVER purchase a phone plan (I use prepaid tracfone). I've been wanting an iPod for a while now. When I listen to audio books, sometimes the words skip and stutter which makes me cranky during a good part of the book! Now I have a fun touch iPod to listen to them on without skipping! Thanks Jason and Sharon! I totally love it!
I was surprised when there was a knock on the door Sunday afternoon. It was my home teacher Brother Newby and Glenna who dropped in with their 4 little boys and brought me a present. It was VERY  nice of them... Aaaahhhhh and scented Caribbean ESCAPE.. Love it! 

My mother's day was low key, wonderful and I felt loved and adored (except for the Relief Society thing ha ha ha). My children and home teachers are wonderful! 

1 comment:

  1. Sorry you didn't like getting kicked out of primary. They didn't do that in our ward and I would've loved it. :) Glad the rest of your weekend went well though. I don't think our children know how much little notes like Brady's mean to us. You are raising such a thoughtful young man, and I'm sure your other son is also. I've never smelled that scent before but it looks good.
