
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wayback Wednesday - Jason past Easters

Jason 8 months old, at Grandpa's farm looking at baby chicks.
 Sondra (age 23),  Jason and Aunt Cindy looking at bunnies.
 My dad with Jason. It was a new experience having my dad be a farmer. He wasn't one while I was growing up. When my parents divorced, he became a farmer. 
 Jason 3 years old. 

We lived on Latah Street in Boise in a sad little house with the roof on the ground. It was all I could afford. I beautified it and it was a wonderful cozy home for Jason and me. I worked 2 jobs and attended school at BSU trying to make a better life for Jason and me. 

The landlords were kind to us and let me pay half the rent on each paycheck. Times were tight when I was a single mom. I did the best I could to provide for my son.  

I was very blessed to have a nice little home with great landlords and a beautiful child. Jason and I had  wonderful times together with just the two of us. We have a very close bond, I love him so much!
 Don't you love those cowboy pajamas? He is such a cutie and those slippers are fun!
 Easter egg hunts!
I love this Easter bunny picture with my darling little Jason. 


  1. Cute pictures, most of them I have not seen before. It is hard to believe he was about 5 when I first met him.

  2. Oh yes, I too spent many years as a single mom. Those were difficult times, but also the best of times. I wouldn't trade the memories for anything.

  3. So much fun! I guess that I didn't realize that you worked 2 jobs and went to school ... you are an amazing mom!
