
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Our Easter 2011

We had a very nice Easter Holiday. Jason and Sharon came to dinner with Brady and me. We had Ham, Crock-pot cheese potatoes, Asparagus, salad, rolls, strawberries, kiwi, raspberries, deviled eggs - everything was yummy!

This is the first year since becoming a mother, that the Easter Bunny did NOT hide Easter eggs. I think Sharon was disappointed - Brady and Jason didn't care. It's kind of shocking to change the way we do Easter now that we are all adults and don't have any children in the family. 
We did get lots of yummies in Easter Baskets. 3 large bunnies for the kids - I didn't need one. 

After dinner we played games. Brady blew bubbles. I'm sad that you can't see the bubbles to easily. Can you spy them?
Can you see a few shiny bubbles? Brady is putting the wand back in the mini bubbles to blow more. These are the same bubbles that we gave Brady's Seminary class for his devotional. They were lots of fun!
Can you spy any bubbles here?
Or here? Our cards got sticky with bubble juice. I'll probably have to buy more.
Trying to get a picture of Jason and Sharon. Can you tell I have a tough time getting one? 
Jason and Sharon - FINALLY posing for a picture. I love them both so much! We had a great time playing Phase 10. Jason WON!!
Brady went to a party Saturday night with his friends, so I ended up decorating 3 dozen hard boiled eggs by myself. I didn't do anything special in the Easter Egg decorations, just plain colored eggs. 

Here are the Easter decorations in our home this year. 
My window above the kitchen sink. 
Our Easter Village.
Coffee table decorations. 
On the piano.
Piano music cabinet. 
Behind the bathroom sink. The big bunny in the back - was my new purchase this year. He is really cute. 
On top of the Microwave in the kitchen. 
Kitchen table. See the cute napkin rings? Right now the napkins are in the washer, because we used them for Easter dinner. 
Cabinet on the kitchen wall. 
Stove in the kitchen. 

I have too many decorations! But it is sure fun!

This year I did NOT put the Easter Eggs on all my bushes in the front yard. First year in 12 years. When Jason and Sharon drove up - Sharon was shocked and sad I didn't have an Easter house. She is the only one who noticed. Brady nor Jason even notices all my crazy decorating. Maybe next year I'll get back to the swing of things. I just didn't have it in me this year. I wonder if my neighbors were shocked. 

Over all it was a wonderful holiday. The one weird thing was we had Stake Conference broadcast from Salt Lake City for our Easter service. It was nice, but I missed having our regular Easter Program for Easter Sunday. The other thing that is odd is our Stake has had 2 Stake conference sessions in 4 months. Our first conference was in January and then on Easter Sunday in April. I guess we are done for the year - but isn't that strange? 


  1. You really decorated for the holiday!
    They are all so darling.

    It looks like Jason and Sharon had fun.
    Cute couple.

  2. Boys just don't care like girls do about "stuff" like traditions and etc...

    It's kinda like the saying goes.. you never appreciate your mom's cooking as much as you should until you move out...

    I'm sure many people missed your Easter House. The decorations are fun.. and one day you will have a grandchild to enjoy it all!

    Phase 10 is fabulous!!

  3. The stake conference thing is crazy. I don't think that it's supposed to happen that way, but I am not SLC.

    I love all of your pics of everything. I really need to do better!

    You are wonderful! Can't wait to see you soon!

  4. My daughter LOVED all the Easter decorations! I think I'm going to have to step up my game :)

    Yeah, I agree -- the Easter thing is weird ;)

    (BTW, I'm visiting from BlogFrog -- finally getting myself organized enough to go through the blogs of those who friended me. My blog is less than a month old, so I'm running to try to figure everything out. Take care!)
