
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Once Upon A Mattress Play

Brady's play started this week. I was able to attend Thursday and Friday. I enjoyed both casts. Brady is a Knight in Cast A that started on Thursday and a Jester in Cast B on Friday. It was fun to see the different personalities of each team of actors. 
Here is Brady in his Jester outfit. 
These three are a team: The Minstrel  (Martin Pluim in both casts), Brady the Jester (Cast B) and King Sextimus (Cody Oneil in both casts). King Sextimus does not talk and he was a hoot. Cody did a great job. The Minstrel sings a lot of song and WOW! He has a GREAT voice. 
No flash photography and people who move around a lot - so it was difficult to get pictures that were not blurry. You can click on the pictures to get a larger view. I thought the set was wonderful for our poor little school. In this set the Wizard is interviewing a possible princess to marry Prince Dauntless. 

No one in the kingdom can get married until Prince Dauntless is married. However, Queen Aggravain is an overbearing mother and no one is good enough for her precious little boy. 

However, Lady Larken is Pregnant by Sir Harry and they need to find a Princess soon.

Sir Harry sets out over the mountains to the swamp land to find Princess Winnifred - or Fred for short. 
Princess Winnifred is so excited to find a Prince that she swims the moat to get there quicker. She is a hoot.
She is sitting on the stairs. 
Both Princess Winnifred were WONDERFUL!! Loved them! this is one is Kaitlin Ro. 
She is singing "Shy". 
And looking for the Prince. 
This song is "The Minstrel, The Jester, and I". Remember King Sextimus doesn't talk or sing - he uses his hands to say what he wants too. He is sooooo funny! Cody is awesome! 
More of the song - I loved hearing Brady sing.
King Sextimus knows that Lady Larken is pregnant and is trying to find a way for Princess Winnifred to pass his Wicked's wife test. 


The reason he can't talk is because a spell was cast on him until "the mouse devours the hawk".
Queen Aggravain (Victoria Plaster cast B) test for Princess Winnifred is on Sensitivity. A true Princess cannot sleep with a small pea under 20 down mattresses. 
Here they are waiting around the next morning to see if Princess Winnifred slept through the night. 

She didn't!! Yea!! Now everyone can get married. 

However, Queen Aggravain tried to wiggle her way out of letting her "little boy" marry. FINALLY Prince Dauntless puts his foot down and tells his mother to SHUT UP. 

The mouse devoured the hawk! The spell was broken!! Queen Aggravain became a mute and King Sextimus is able to speak.
Then the Jester goes and pulls out all sorts of things out of the mattresses. 
It was funny.
Finally Fred was able to sleep - but not until the tiny pea was removed. 
Prince Dauntless looking on to his soon to be wife with love as she slept. 
Here is Brady in his Knight costume. 
Cast A Queen Aggravain played by Brady's friend Danielle Miller. She was my favorite. She also was holding a Chiwawa lttle dog with a pleated collar around his neck. I loved that and was disappointed that the Queen in Cast B didn't hold the dog. 
Here is the cast wall in the entrance. 
Brady and Jason were messing around after the play. 
L@@k! Brady is taller then Jason. 
Such wonderful boys!
I'm a lucky Mom. 

I will be going to all three performances next week. My mom will be in town to attend with my sister Chris and me on Saturday. 

Brady has been really stressed out with all the time he's spent on practices and all the homework he has. He says he wouldn't want to be in a play again - especially with the load he is taking his Senior year. But, I think he just feels the pressure right now in the thick of things. When things settle back down, I'm sure he will be glad that he did it. 

Being involved when you are in High School makes it better then sitting on the side line. You make lasting friendships and memories. 

I'm proud of the little actor Brady is. I've enjoyed every minute of it. 


  1. It looks wonderful. I love all of the costumes.

  2. So much fun! I'm sure that he is amazing and we are sad that we cannot see him! Tell him good luck next week!
