
Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day
  We started off the weekend with pink heart pancakes. Yummy Tradition!
Then I ran Brady to play practice bright and early Saturday morning.

I came home and whipped up a batch of cupcakes for my Primary Class party.
Then I set up my living room for the party. 
 I did not take ONE pictures during my Primary party. I can't even believe I did that! Only 6 kids came out of 13. BUT, we had a ton of fun. Pizza for lunch and some crafts. Here are the crafts we did.
 Lollipop butterfly, monkey book marker, I love you sign to color, an airplane to color and fold. I also gave them a pencil and bubbles. It was a fun party! I love my Primary children! Friday evening I put together all the kits for the party - I add glue dots for easy assembly. The airplane, butterfly and monkey kits came from Oriental trading. The heart sign came from Michael's. 

After the party I cleaned up the house and put everything back into order. 

THEN I had to start working on Brady's seminary devotional. I started making sugar cookies. I had to make 2 batches because Brady's seminary class is huge and we needed 36 cookies and I can only get 30 cookies out of a batch. The extra is for our family and friends. 

Saturday I cooked the cookies, put together the cupid poop, and laminated and cut out the book markers.

I finally figured out where to purchase bulk red hots! At Winco in the bulk section. They are located by the chocolate chips and baking supplies - NOT by the candy. I bought little zip lock bags at Zurchers and attached the cupid poem. They turned out cute. 
I've been battling a cold this past week that has put me to my knees. I seldom get sick and it was terrible. Not to mention running at full speed ahead to get all the Valentine things ready. I ended up decorating the sugar cookies Sunday morning before our 1PM church. I'm glad I did this because we had the Baptismal Preview Sunday evening. 

Saturday I also finished preparing my Primary lesson and Baptismal Preview talk. By the time Sunday evening came around, I was exhausted and kept tripping over my thoughts and words during my talk. I'm sure it was fine - but not my best moment. I was happy that 10 children came to the preview (out of 13). It was a fun evening for the children. 

After the Baptismal preview, I put the ribbons on the book markers for the devotional. As you can tell, it's been busy weekend. 

Now it's Valentines day! I took Brady to school so he could drop off the Valentine goodies to the Seminary building. I will stop by Jason and Sharon's house to drop by some love this afternoon. 

It's been a busy and LOVELY Valentine weekend.

I hope some love is spread around you today! Enjoy the day!


  1. Your primary children are so lucky to have you as their teacher. All of the stuff they did was so cute!!

    Those cupcakes and cookies look heavenly good.
    Brady sure is lucky to have you.
    Hope you have a Happy day and you feel better soon!

  2. WHAT? You are just too busy! I hope that you feel better soon. How did the baptism preview fireside go? Was it better than last year? 10 out of 13 is great to have attend. Thanks for all you do!

  3. Oh my goodness! You have been busy!!!!!
    Brady is lucky to have you as a mom!

    Such cute CUPID POOP! I've never heard of that before. I had to click on the picture to make it big enough to read! Those are some rocking valentine cookies. I made some this weekend too, but they aren't nearly as beautiful. I need a good frosting recipe.

    You are so totally amazing. I hope you get feeling better.
