
Thursday, December 16, 2010

Our House was T.P.'ed

 I guess you "arrive" in high school when you wake up in the morning and find that your house has been toilet papered.
 Saturday morning I opened the blinds and turned on the Christmas tree lights, looked out the window and saw that our house was toilet papered. I told Brady to come and look - because this is all his fault - LOL! He looked and laughed. I told him he had to clean it up (of course).

He put on his shoes and coat and cleaned up the toilet paper - AFTER I made him take pictures :-D. It rained a few hours later - and I was really glad it was all picked up. I am really glad we don't have any big trees.
 Brady felt "LOVED"... Oh, I don't know... maybe noticed. He posted on facebook and hoped someone would confess or tell on the culprit - but it's still a mystery who showed Brady love.


  1. It's nice to know that the toilet paper tradition lives on! I am afraid I was a culprit many years ago.
    Of course I only toilet papered people I had a crush on.

  2. I am glad you got it all cleaned up before it rained! That is so funny. High school!

  3. Yes, it really is all his fault! Make sure that you remind him of that. Great pictures though!

  4. It looks like they didn't get you guys too bad though. When I was in high school and got T.P.'ed I got hit hard and the sprinklers came on that night... not fun. Then my good friend and I went once and took my mom with us, it was so fun. I told Autumn if she ever goes I get to go with her. LOL

  5. I am sure it was some cute girl who has a major crush on him!! Ha Ha
