
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

No Shave November

During November it is a tradition not to shave the whole month - No-shave-vember. Instead we have scruffy looking boys who get to enjoy having whiskery faces.
 Here is Jason's fuzzy face. He's pretty cute, but Sharon doesn't like kissing these whiskers - LOL!
 Now on to my 16 year old. All of the high school boys didn't shave this month either. I thought Brady would win over Jason, but his whiskers are blonder and harder to see. But, WOW - he is a hairy 16 year old.
 You can hardly notice his whiskers in the photo, but he had quite a good beard going on. To bad you really can't see the blonde whiskers.
Neck action. He sure look scruffy. It was funny sending him for Thanksgiving and all the teasing my family gave him. My brothers and nephews don't grow hair like my boys. Both of my boys take after their fathers genes. I don't know if that is a good thing, because they have to shave every day :-(.

Now that it is December, Brady is clean shaven again. I like him better - not so scruffy. Jason has decided  not to shave all winter, much to Sharon's demise.


  1. So sad for Sharon. I do not like facial hair!

  2. So is November " stay away girls month at school?"
    Kidding.. I know some girls like it..
    I feel for sharon as well.. as I don't like to feel ANY facial hair either!

  3. Clean shaven is so dang much better!
    They are both cute, but I think that Jason is going to be one grizzly adams when the winter is over!

  4. My husband loves to grow a beard in the winter. I am trying to convince him not to this year. I happen to think clean shaven is best, but hey, Whatever he does I will still love him.

  5. Facial hair, no problem...your boys are cute, one with gorgeous blue/gray eyes and one with to- die- for-long eyelashes!!!!!! Be proud of them!

  6. That's not a problem for me. .Actually I do have mine.
