
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Canning Time is Here!

I love fall, but I find that I am rushing to get many things done. My garden is doing well, and I have been trying to keep up with the canning.
I have been eating tomatoes for a while now, but now they are really starting to ripen and it's time to can them.
Here was my first big picking. I was able to get two quart bottles from the first picking. Then later that morning I received a call from Glenna asking me if I wanted more tomatoes. She returned from vacation to lots and lots of tomatoes and she didn't know if she could get them all processed as she is preparing for school - she is a teacher.

I told her that I would take any she had. She brought me over two grocery bags full. I was able to get 6 more quarts of tomatoes canned. Yea!! 8 quarts already!! LOVE IT!
I have also been canning beans. So far I have canned 24 pints of beans!! My beans are almost over. I may get one more day of canning them and then they will be done.

My celery is awesome and am really glad I planted it this year. We have lots of green onions, carrots, and crookneck squash. My zucchini as been really slow. I've actually been able to eat everything we've grown. Nothing extra. It's been giving me enough, but not to much zucchini - amazing! Oh, and cucumbers too! I love having a garden - and yes, mine is a container garden!!

Twilight quote: The meadow, so spectacular to me at first, paled next to his magnificence.

---Bella on Edward

1 comment:

  1. I love canning season. There is nothing better than hearing the "ping".

    I don't know what I've done wrong, but I have beautiful tomato plants, but GREEN tomatoes. I'm not sure I'll get any ripe ones. We had a frost 2 nights ago, but the garden came out OK. It's just been a coolish year.

    You are an inspiration to all of us who think we don't have time to can.
