
Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Brady is Sweet 16 Today

16 short years ago our baby boy was born. He weighted in at 7 pounds 12 ounces, 20.5 inches long. He was beautiful and we were happy that he was healthy and crying. We named him Brady after one of Maurice's missionary companions and a good friend of ours.
The time has flown by too quickly. Now he is at the DATING AGE... Oh my!!

SWEET 16... Do you say that for boys? Hmmmmm

We had a very low key birthday this year. I know it should have been huge - but he is planning a birthday party in a couple of weeks. His dad will be here this weekend to ordain him to a Priest, and we will celebrate again when he gets here.

This morning he was good and woke up at 6:45 am to go to cross country practise at 7AM.. He is dedicated.

When he came home, I was already left for work - he had to fend for himself..
He didn't want a birthday cake - only cup cakes. We still had 16 candles to blow out.
A wish .... blow ... yeah - he did it!
Of course, I had to make a sign for the front window. :-D He only turns 16 once ....
There were balloons ...
And a few computer and DS games for his presents. His list is small -  we never know what to get a kid as spoiled as Brady.

This evening he went on a white water raft trip with the young men.
While I mowed the lawn for him :-D

I haven't seen him toooo much for his birthday - but I know he's have a great time.

I can't believe my baby is 16...


  1. Happy Birthday Brady. Now get to work on that Eagles project so you can date!

  2. Happy Birthday Brady! I can't believe that you are 16! WOW!

  3. I missed this because I haven't had much computer time but HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRADY!! 16 is awesome time to date and drive and do good - ha Ha I made the last one up but I know he will :D
