
Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Piano Recital Spring/Summer

Friday night was Brady's Piano Recital.
Brady did a piano duet with Kaelyn (she is one of my primary students).
They played Love One Another.
Then Brady played Kakariko Village by Koji Kondo (Transcribed by BluesCD).
The sound is kind of off - because my camera was running low on battery - sorry. Then he played Harry's Wondrous World from Harry Potter by John Williams

It was a wonderful evening!


  1. What an awesome young man. Beautiful job Brady!

  2. I am trying to catch up on posts. I tell you a couple weeks away from blogland and you feel like you don't know anything anymore.

    I like your new background btw it feels happy and is beautiful!

    Good job to Brady with the piano and this is such a great duet with Kaelyn - I bet she loved playing with Brady - a big guy!!

    (comments for some of your other posts that I read through)

    Your flowers looks beautiful - I especially love the orange poppies!

    I liked the Bree Tanner book. Very interesting. I will now be so sympathetic to her in the movie - I wish she could have lived.
    I am an English guru of sorts and I happen to know that in the writing world the word "Blond" without an e usually refers to men who are blond and "Blonde" with an e refers to women. Weird huh? So actually no typo's in the book the editor knew what he/she was doing.

    Brady's end of the year party sounded like a total and complete BLAST! You should have him do a post on it. Were there any pictures? Man he is almost 16 - dating is right around the corner - that ought to be fun!!

    Hope you are enjoying your summer so far.

