
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Put me In the Zoo

Today while I was driving home from work I had one of those moments. You know the moments that transport you back in time. Ya, it was one of those moments when you see something and it brings you back to your childhood.

I saw a polka dot car. Unfortunately this isn't the car I saw - it's just an example. The car I was was totally black with green spots. It was super fun. I didn't know if it was advertising anything, I was just intrigued with the car.
Then WHAM!! I was transported back to my childhood as my mother read over and over again "Put Me In The Zoo". I loved this book.
I had to purchase it and read it to my boys too. Although, I don't think they loved it as much as I did. My boys had more selection of books then we did.
Do you remember this classic?
While growing up, we had 3 books that were completely warn out by my mother, brother and sisters reading it to me and Richard. Along with "Put Me In the Zoo", we loved "Green Eggs and Ham".
And "Go, Dog, Go".
They are still my favorite childhood books. Enough to transport me back in time while I see a polka dot car. :-D

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