
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Recipe: Fried Rice with Ham

More Ham recipes -- chuckle!! This is my sister Cindy's recipe. It was pretty large, so I cut it in half. You can double this recipe and will have the original amounts from her recipe... but there is only two of us - so of course I try to cut it down.

Fried Rice

Hot cooked rice: (2 cups hot water, 1 cup rice, 1 teaspoon salt - bring to boil, turn down to low and simmer for 14 minutes)

1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 cup diced celery
1 cup diced carrots
1/2 small onion diced
1 cup diced cooked ham
1/4 teaspoon ginger
2 eggs slightly beaten
salt and pepper to taste

In large skillet, heat the oil and saute' celery and carrots until almost tender.
Then add onion and cook until tender.

A cool trick that I tried: I had some extra onion left over from a recipe. I placed it in a freezer bag and froze it. I pulled it out and used it in this recipe and it worked great. I am going to use this trick more often. I sometimes get frustrated when I have an onion go bad or have to put left over onion in my refrigerator (smell) - but no more.. I will cut it up and freeze it before I have another onion go bad. Yeah saving more money and not wasting food! AND it's already chopped and ready to go!
Salt and pepper to taste. Add the ham and warm.
Then add the rice and sprinkle the ginger over, mix thoroughly. (in the middle of my rice is the ginger).
Make a ring around the skillet with the rice mixture.
You can add more oil (I didn't) and scramble the eggs.
When eggs are done mix thoroughly with the rice.
Add soy sauce or you can let each person add their own. I just added it to the whole dish and if they wanted more they could add more.
Ta DA!! Ham Fried Rice. Really good!
I decided to chop up some more ham and freeze just for a fried rice recipe. Usually when I have frozen ham in the past, I never use it and end up throwing it out. Maybe with a purpose in mind for it - I will use it (most definitely).  This is the last of our Easter Ham - all used up! Yeah!!
Good thing I purchased 2 hams while they were on sale at Easter time. Now I can torture Brady again soon when I cook the other ham... (MaWa ha ha ha ha the evil mother *wink)


  1. That looks delish......
    I'm wondering what's next....
    ham cookies?
    ham fudge?

    ugh.....I'm making myself sick

  2. We LOVE friend rice with ham. You've got me thinking....just go home from work....was going to fix sloppy joes....have ham in the oven.... OH MAN!!! I think I've changed my mind. FRIED RICE!

  3. Fried Rice is a big hit at our place too!
